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Tag: Greta

XYZ Live #100 – Rudd Blames Globawl Warmin’ and Toonsperger has...

Climate alarmists have been spooked that not everybody is buying their narrative that so-called "climate change" is responsible for Australia's horror bushfires, and that...

Greta Toonsperger: Second Beast of the Anti-Christ

The Climate Cult are scattered throughout the world, desperate for a messiah to lead them out of the shadows and back to what they...

Enact our carbon emissions targets or we’ll invade you

The signs are there that the wheels are beginning to fall off the great climate change fraud. Fresh from her stint scolding the world...

Nobel goes to black guy so Greta Thunberg can’t complain

When herding cattle, you want to ensure the cattle always know who is the boss, and that they don't get too far ahead of...

How Dare You, Greta

Let’s get one thing absolutely clear; Greta Thunberg is a woman for our times. I don’t consider her to be a child as 16...

The Con says the Prime Minister is a very naughty boy

As reported widely, a taxpayer funded propaganda blog, ironically known as The Conversation, recently decided having to defend their faith was just too hard: Once...

XYZ Live #85 – Islam is Right About Women

I started this one off chuckling away to my heart's content and why not. The meme "Islam is right about women" is a brilliant...