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Australians, stop voting for your own Genocide

The Golem Do not vote for or support any of the following major political parties. The Australian Labor Party The Australian Liberal Party The Australian...

Australian bushfires show why the ABC must be obliterated

It's one hell of a racket. You create a fake crisis regarding so-called "climate change". You use this "climate emergency" to lock up national parks...

Did Climate Change cause the Australian Bushfires?

Bushfires have devastated the Australian South East coast for months now and the blame game has gone nuts, with climate change activists blaming Co2...

The Uncuckables Ep. 36: Firestorm

The power team of David Hiscox, Tim Wilms and Richard Woolstencroft discussed the following topics: Australian bushfires. Degeneracy and miscegenation pushed in commercials and...

Your backyard is an endangered ecosystem

Yesterday’s post about a man who went to jail for clearing hazardous scrub on his own land against the threat of bush fires was...

The Australian fires are the fault of us all

Last week I wrote about how forest mismanagement in Australian forests has created an artificial water crisis. But the decision not to actively manage...

Why The Greens Are Watermelons

Normies who are starting to wake up often say: “Leftards are always so hypocritical. We need to educate them with statistics, science, biology and law....

Fraser Anning Censured over Christchurch Comments

The Australian Senate has voted to censure Senator Fraser Anning in a near unanimous vote; many speakers condemned his statements regarding events of recent...

Establishment now explicitely AGAINST Free Speech in Australia!

The Australian establishment have declared they are against freedom of speech; this is bound to divide people even further and is not a good...

NSW Greens want to legalise cannabis to oppress stoners

It is normally reasonable easy to group Australians into voter blocks. Public service types tend to vote Labor out of fear the conservatives will...