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Tag: Climate cult

How DARE You Criticise The Climate Cult

As every “red pilled” individual knows, standards in corporate media reporting have dropped significantly over the last century. They once at least pretended to...

XYZ Live #103 – Happy Conquest Day Australia!

Discussion this week focused on Victoria Police’s profiling of patriot activist Neil Erikson, who was arrested for holding an Australian flag on the steps...

ScoMo BTFO’s Climate Cult: Advocates Hazard Reduction Burns

Australia is at a crossroads. We can either cut fuel loads to mitigate the intensity of bushfires, or we can continue to worship the...

RBA Fires 21 Shots Across Our Bow

When you are a globalist oligarch, it is of utmost importance that you really do not let any crisis go to waste, especially not...

Global Warmists NEVER Let a Crisis Go to Waste

Only 14 years to go and then the world is going to end, or maybe 10 years. Who can keep up these days.. You can follow...

Australian bushfires show why the ABC must be obliterated

It's one hell of a racket. You create a fake crisis regarding so-called "climate change". You use this "climate emergency" to lock up national parks...

Kyle Jurek is right: One of those moments in human history

The good people at Project Veritas have a knack at getting communists to loosen their tongues: In many respects this guy is right. In war you...

XYZ Live #101 – Pauline Hanson vs Turnbull and The Cult

Topics discussed: Prince Harry's humiliation at the hands of Meghan Markle is symbolic of the humiliation of the entire West. The MSM and SJW's...

Greta Toonsperger: Second Beast of the Anti-Christ

The Climate Cult are scattered throughout the world, desperate for a messiah to lead them out of the shadows and back to what they...

Climate Cultists At The Con Demand Deniers Repent

The Climate Cultists over at The Con are going hard pushing the word of The Science to their fawning and adoring acolytes of doom....