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Tag: change the date

Australia Day has become an Anglophobic Hate Festival

All the communists screaming that Australia has to be abolished are forgetting one thing: — Mark Richardson (@MarkRichardson2) January 27, 2024 As reported by The XYZ,...

Anti-Australia Day marchers are ugly losers

News the last couple of days has been dominated by Victoria Police’s profiling of patriot activist Neil Erikson. In current year clownworld you are...

The anti-Australians are attacking Australia Day (yet again)

Australian Protectionist Party Every year when Australia Day comes around, there are always attacks either against Australia Day itself or against the Australian flag. This...

Jeff Kennett Cucks On Australia Day

Jeff Kennett has thrown in his lot with the ranks of the globalist left and argued in favour of changing the date of Australia...

Inclusive – You Keep Saying that Word and I Don’t Think...

Samuel Medicci January is once again upon us and by now we all expect to be inundated with a variety of grievance-mongering and nation-smearing from...

FAQ Ep. 8: Is Cultural Marxism Real? Milo & OzMedia, JJJ...

In this episode of Frequently Asked Questions, David Hiscox and David Hilton discuss several current affairs issues which influenced Australia this week: Milo Yiannopoulos' tour...

As SSM Passes, Triple J Provides Template to Destroy Australia Day

A homosexual marriage bill has today passed the Australian Federal Senate and into law. Unsurprisingly, it does not protect ordinary citizens' rights to free...

Quote of the Day: Triple J goes Full Retard

Our Quote of the Day comes courtesy of Keating, who has something to say regarding Triple J's decision to change the date of its...

Australia Day Politicisation Hurts New Residents

Oliver Walsh Recently, the City of Moreland became the third Victorian Council to cancel their Australia Day Celebrations. The City of Moreland follows on From...

A Grumpy Thought: We Dare Triple J To Change The Date

Yes do it. Change the date of the countdown to a date when not everyone has the day off and therefore won't tune in. From...