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Tag: Australian Parliament

Footage of Facemask Frightbat goes Viral

Independent MP Monique Ryan has been roundly mocked for drumming up Covid Hysteria in federal parliament in Canberra. Footage of her haranguing Coalition interjectors...

Attention Whore Lidia Thorpe Black Power Salutes Parliament

There is no mockery I can write here which hasn’t already been said on the internet. And look there... A rare sighting of a 100% genuine...

Pauline Hanson Defies “Welcome To Country” & Leaves Chamber

You cannot open a jar of Vegemite in Australia without having to burn some gum leaves. Pauline Hanson’s defiance of the so-called “welcome to...

Voting Our Way Out Of This

We need to use every weapon at our disposal and that includes voting. But whenever you talk about this subject, someone who has taken...

Exhausted democracy: Senate results show Government tightened grip on Senate via...

Andrew Vincent Australian democracy prides itself on one thing above all else – arriving at a fair representation of the electorate’s intention. For many, it’s the...

Anning reintroduces immigration bill: Muslim ban now a moderate position

This. Is. Awesome. From the Australian: "The government’s hopes of steering legislation through the senate in the final sitting weeks of the year face a further...

Thought for the Day: The only flag that should be flown...

Courtesy of Rod Lampard on Facebook: You can visit Rod Lampard's website at

The Do As I Say and Not As I Do of...

This morning during a Senate committee meeting, Senator Katy Gallagher interrupted Senator Mitch Fifield who was answering a question regarding welfare bills, stating "I'm...