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Tag: Australian Federal Election

Political life is not just the vote

Australia has voted. Or has it? In a country with mandatory voting and with not insignificant penalties for those who disobey the authorities by...

Some Thoughts On The Australian Election, 2022

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) population clock: 'On 24 May 2022 at 09:16:47 PM (Canberra time), the resident population of Australia is...

Melbourne is officially retarded

I would like to reiterate my calls to presidents Kim Jong-Un, Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin, hell even Narendra Modi: Please nuke Melbourne. The world’s most...

Australia became more racist this election, but not the way you...

Australia’s Israeli Treasurer lost his seat at yesterday’s Federal Election. But that’s not why Australia became more racist. A lot of fuss is being made...

AnAl Wins Election: Australia Is Screwed

AnAl isn’t just a meme. Look at the beard they chose to be his “girlfriend”: They cleverly chose a chick who wasn’t too hot, but...

Election Night Livestream with The Racer’s War on Everything

The Racer’s War on Everything are excellent podcasters, covering Australian politics in good detail and doing so from a nationalist angle. This evening from about...

BBC Slanders Australia For Having Too Many White Politicians

An antiwhite from the BBC, Frances Moe, has attacked Australia for having too many White politicians. From the BBC: Australia is one of the most multicultural...

Aussie Cossack jailed for political activism

The Aussie Cossack has been jailed just days before the Australian election, which is to be held this Saturday, May 21. He gained a huge...

Scott Morrison distinguishes between deaths “with” Covid and “from” Covid

During the Covid lockdowns, realists pointed out that governments around the world were inflating the danger of Covid by blurring the lines between people...

Does the Liberal Party want to win this election?

Ross Peitsch Do the Liberals actually want to win? This is a question I have been asking myself for some months now, and ever since...