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Tag: Australian Constitution

Voice to Parliament: Dutton Hedges Bet

Headlines are screaming today that Australia’s opposition leader Peter Dutton has opened up a chasm of policy difference between the Liberal Party and the...

Cardboard guardians

This week I wrote about how the true banality of evil inherent in democracy is the subsumption of powers from the elected representatives of...

Jeff Kennett Cucks On Australia Day

Jeff Kennett has thrown in his lot with the ranks of the globalist left and argued in favour of changing the date of Australia...

Sam Dastyari is Conclusive Proof of the Weakness of our Leaders

The last few months in Australian federal politics has seen a quite extraordinary succession of politicians being forced to resign due to them possessing...

Viewer Poll: Should Sam Dastyari be sacked and driven out of...

Sam Dastyari has been caught on a voice recording giving implicit support for China's expansionist policies in the South China Sea. It's not that...

Are there any Australians in the Australian Parliament?

This is getting beyond a joke. Federal Energy minister Josh Frydenberg has just been forced to deny suggestions that he could be a dual Australian-Hungarian...

Australian Constitution to Purge Parliament of More Mudbloods

Just days after several interlopers were cleansed from the Australian parliament, it has been revealed that Senate President Stephen Parry may be a dual...

Dual citizenship law a chance for Australia to drain the swamp...

Section 44 of the Australian Constitution is playing havoc with our current parliament, and it doesn't look like letting up any time soon. So...

The Free Market of Ideas Eats It’s Greens

Well, they say things come in threes. Now it appears that the Greens may lose a third senator to a collosally incompetent oversight that...

Thought for the Day: Section 44, Treason, and the Greens

Section 44 of the Australian Constitution sets out restrictions on a person's eligibility to hold Federal Office: 44. Any person who - (i.) Is under any...