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Tag: Anzac Day

Stories from an East Timor Veteran

Anzac Day is once again upon us and given the heightened tension in Australia’s political climate, I’m sad to say that it will more...

Disloyal leftists set sights on Anzac Day

Originally published April 22, 2016. It’s that time of year again. The time of year when a large portion of our academic and journalistic elite put...

XYZ Predicts the Future: Communists preparing all out assault on Australia...

I have predicted that with the passage of fake marriage through the Australian parliament, the left would be able to put all its energy...

Thank you for 10,000 Facebook likes, and for Patreon contributions

It is David Hiscox here, editor of The XYZ. I am writing this post to thank all who have contributed to The XYZ smashing...

Hypocrisy and Self-loathing of the Anti-Patriot

*Sigh* Sacked SBS journalist Scott McIntyre is at it again. His contempt for Australia and western culture and the western tradition seems to spew forth uncontrollably...

To do one’s duty – the evacuation of Gallipoli a century...

Today, 9th January, marks the day 100 years ago that the last allied soldiers left their strongholds on the Gallipoli Peninsula. The evacuations had...