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Tag: American Civil War 2.0

Biden calls MAGA supporters extremists: Trump calls Biden an enemy of...

I have never bought the theory that Globohomo wants to provoke a civil war in order to crack down harder. The way I see...

TRANNY TERRORISM: July 4 Shooter had political motives

So-called “transexuals” are deviants who possess a hatred for all things good, beautiful and true. There is a reason why they have traditionally been...

Civil War part II

The U.S. civil war was ostensibly about slavery. The real motivation for the war was the desire of the Northern states to impose their...

You do not define your enemy by its tactics

Iranian journalist Rita Pahani tweeted her disapproval of the American heroes who today stormed the dark citadel of globalist power: These are scenes you’d expect...

Trump Cucks

We would have followed you to the end of the Earth, Donald. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 6, 2021 The speech has been deleted by...

51 days later, Trump STILL stands his ground

It has been 51 days since the Democrats rigged the 2020 US Presidential Election and Donald Trump has not yet conceded. Importantly, he looks...

Millions march across America for Trump

The second Million MAGA March has been epic, and the footage is beautiful. Just a handful of the MASSIVE crowd of patriots gathered in DC...

5 key points from Trump’s December 2 speech that point to...

Donald Trump has given a speech outlining the mountains of evidence proving that he won the 2020 US Presidential Election by a country mile. You...

Trump prepares to cast the die

Donald Trump is moving American troops home from Afghanistan and Iraq. He is halving numbers in Afghanistan from 5000 to 2500 and reducing Iraq...

Viewer Poll: Is the Second American Civil War about to start?

For some time in America, Democrats have maintain that the worst thing you can possibly be is “racist”. If you are racist you are...