South Africa – The Reign of Julius Seizer Begins


Sam Vimes


For those of you that have already forgotten about the recent land expropriation news in South Africa, it’s imperative to reinforce the understanding of what the citizenry in that country is truly dealing with. Following a chance read via the Daily Wire website, I realise now just how insane the country’s political situation is getting. Exhibit A – not content with his work in Parliament, Julius ‘Seizer’ Malema is now stoking further racial strife by recently telling crowds of followers to “go after a white man” in the name of “cutting the throat of whiteness.”

As also reported by South Africa’s Times Live site, Malema has aimed his vitriol at the mayor of the Nelson Mandela Bay Metro (the Port Elizabeth region in the Eastern Cape), and expressed his desire that the mayor be removed from office “because he is white”.

Indeed Malema’s EFF recently promoted a vote of no confidence in Trollip, for the unforgiveable act of not supporting that party’s land grab.

As recently as this morning even Breitbart ran an editorial arguing that the West was misunderstanding the land expropriation issue, and that this was an issue of socialism – ie no one will own any land, and white South African farmers are simply victims being caught up in a broader socialist net.

Don’t forget, blacks in Africa can’t be racist!

Looking into this briefly, Mayor Trollip is from the official opposition Democratic Alliance (DA), the same party that’s maintained control of the water-crisis-hit Western Cape. Elected in 2016, Trollip was elected on a broad mandate of rewinding nearly two decades of corruption, cronyism, nepotism and outright incompetence that the ANC-led local government had fostered since the outset of democracy in 1994. A quick Google search reveals that Trollip’s main duties since taking office, besides trying to improve service delivery to the Metro as a whole, has been to investigate dozens of cases of fraud and corruption charges worth likely hundreds of millions of Rands.

A quick search of Trollip’s background and history reveals he entered politics in 1980 as a member of the Progressive Federal Party (opposed to the Nationalist apartheid government), speaks the local isiXhosa language fluently, and by all accounts has generally managed to pull the local government into some semblance of fiscal responsibility and accountability since his election, despite the legacy left to him by his predecessors. By all accounts, citizens of the Metro are by and large way better off under his watch.

Naturally this means he has to go.

Researching this is a fascinating case study in tribalism and Marxism, with the ANC often playing the role of bully in silencing dissent, such was the case of this instance shortly after Trollip’s DA won the election. African Marxism can tolerate no opposition, and the resentment that burns in the heart of African firebrands like Julius Malema cannot be underestimated; the fact that white South Africans continue to try and work with and for the people of South Africa, despite the massive albatross hanging around their necks, infuriates him and those deluded fools that support him.

It was Lauren Southern that recently shared a thought that goes a little like this – the Marxist African would rather control 100% of nothing, than share 10% of everything. It would pay for us all to remember this – right now it’s South Africans of all races that are dealing with the consequences of this madness, but the same DNA of idiocy is prevalent in the loony left in this country and the West in general, and it is spreading.

Photo by GovernmentZA