Quote of the Day: Pauline Hanson wants parliament to acknowledge anti-white racism


We’ve been trying to figure out Pauline Hanson recently. After Senator Fraser Anning gave his epic maiden speech she joined the globalist shills in decrying him, and even took offence to Derryn Hinch’s description of Anning’s speech as “Pauline Hanson on steroids”.

Then again, nobody’s perfect:

Seriously, what even is that, Mr. God Emperor, sir?

But today, on the last sitting day of parliament until mid October, Pauline seemed ready to redeem herself:

“Senator Hanson wanted to move a motion in the Senate, urging her colleagues to acknowledge “the deplorable rise of anti-white racism and attacks on Western civilisation” and say “it is OK to be white”.

“That last part was a reference to a T-shirt right-wing Canadian activist Lauren Southern wore when she visited Australia in July…”

It is OK to be white. This is an uncontroversial statement of fact.  Also, great signal via use of the word “deplorable”.  Love it.

“Tragically the Senate ran out of time, meaning Ms Hanson’s motion will have to wait until the next time parliament sits.”

Given her recent cuckishness, it is interesting that she should scramble to move this motion on the last day of parliament before a break, then miss her chance. We will need to hold her to her promise.

That is, unless the people of Australia do not, in the meantime, storm and ransack Parliament House and drive a fleet of bulldozers indiscriminately through Canberra.

XYZ Quote of the Day.