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Fuck You Pauline Hanson

UPDATE: TOMORROW, AUGUST 31 IS THE BIG ONE. TODAY’S FLOP LOOKS LIKE A PHOTO OP. Pauline Hanson has convinced a truckie manlet with no balls...

What happened to One Nation?

One Nation's chief of staff James Ashby let rip on the ABC, saying 'fishermen will be raped' in the aftermath of the Queensland election...

The Uncuckables: Ep. 4 Easter Far-Right Mann Hunt

Topics discussed: Alex Mannlet's shoddy journalism. The Notre Dame Fire. Bill Shorten's gaffs and Gladys Liu's cuck. The latest on Julian Assange and Israel...

Jeff Kennett Cucks On Australia Day

Jeff Kennett has thrown in his lot with the ranks of the globalist left and argued in favour of changing the date of Australia...

King Anning The Uncuckable

Senator Fraser Anning has from day one taken an unequivocal stand for real Australians against the Uniparty's policy of mass immigration and forced multiculturalism,...

Katter Cucks on Anning

Bob Katter has succumbed to Leftist pressure and dumped Senator Fraser Anning from his political party in one of the most cowardly political acts...

Could Malcolm’s Wentworth revenge work in Nationalists’ favour?

Malcolm Turnbull is an NPC who should never have been let anywhere near the Liberal Party. He wreaked havoc as PM, dragging the Libs...

Canberra Cucks On Immigration Bill

They don't want you to have a say on immigration. They never wanted you to have a say on immigration. They want you gone: "Senator Anning’s...

Quote of the Day: Pauline Hanson wants parliament to acknowledge anti-white...

We've been trying to figure out Pauline Hanson recently. After Senator Fraser Anning gave his epic maiden speech she joined the globalist shills in...

Sky Cucks On Blair Cottrell

The left has a knack for picking their future opponents. They are better at it than most conservatives. Like sheep catching the scent of...