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The left’s abandonment of liberalism

What do leftists do when someone questions progressive orthodoxy and 'correct thought'? You got it – they call them names, smear, and slander them! Far from entering into constructive dialogue with those with differing views, it...

Weekend In Depth: Orcs, Zombies and Mohammed

C. S. Lewis, in his Narnia series, created a world of more than just talking otters, fauns, and Father Christmas. To the south of Narnia lay a desert, on the other side of which...

Bolt was right

Andrew Bolt was right. Justice Mordy Bromberg’s interpretation of the Racial Discrimination Act might suggest otherwise, but Bolt was right – in principle if not completely in example. On April 15 2009, Bolt expressed his...

Bending it both ways on Gender and Race.

I don't judge Rachel Dolezal. For anything. On The XYZ we have had some fun at the expense of the idea of being able to change one's race, and by extension that means we...

“But we are just a transit country.”

I wonder what the Australian Asylum Seeker Enablers have to say about this in relation to recent statements by various countries: "But we are just a transit country". This latest statement was from Serbia...

Common words and their actual meanings

The meaning of words can be confusing at times, especially in our present post modern era. In the olden days, “bigot” just meant bigot – a person who is intolerant towards those holding different...

Sorry, Silences, and C-3PO

I've lost my courage. Which is a big deal when you write for a news website. I recently prepared a short comic piece on poverty. While I enjoyed making the comic, the text was hastily written,...

Eric the Social Media Nazi

The XYZ has a friend called Eric. That is not his real name. Eric is a contradiction - a freedom of expression grammar Nazi. He is a quite adept troll, defending the ABC and...

XYZ poll reveals world will not come to an end if ABC is privatised

The latest XYZ Viewer Poll has determined that well over half of our readers believe that privatising the ABC will not trigger Armageddon. In response to the question, "Will the world come to an end...

Speaking as a Woman, Don’t Ditch Manhood – Teach It!

  Today I came across an article to which I couldn't help responding. It was titled, Masculinity Is Killing Men: The Roots of Men and Trauma. While I knew it would most likely leave me...