CSIRO $120 million ship: up the creek without a paddle?
Like the ABC, I used to have great respect for the CSIRO, the great Aussie inventors of Wi-Fi, the Hills Hoist and the Victa lawn mower. Well, maybe not the last two, but you...
XYZ SATIRE: Australian Greens Express Enthusiastic Support for Iranian Nuclear Program!
The leader of the Australian Greens, Richard Di Natale, announced today that his party had pledged its full support to Iran's fledgeling nuclear program. He described the UN sponsored sanctions regime against Iran as...
On Missing the Point Completely
Today’s musings begin with a personal disclosure – Boethius is a partnered philosopher. The POB (‘Partner of Boethius’) is a very gentle soul, not given to expletive peppered rants during late night repeats of...
A special Q&A next week
A special Q&A next week. For the first time we are live from a pre school in the heart land of Australian suburbia. With affordable child care sure to be an issue in the...
The Nanny State and the Reasonable Man
Following on from some reflection about the Nanny State, I would like to explore the nanny state's relationship with the reasonable man.
"In law, a reasonable person (historically reasonable man) is a composite of a...
It’s time to end our abusive relationship with the ABC.
If I can risk a little self mockery, it seems that our forum doubles on Mondays and Tuesdays as a self-help group for those who can't believe what Q&A did this time, and surely...
Staying in the closet
Yesterday I was fortunate enough to attend a session of LGBTIQ training.
The presenter of this training, a woman from a homosexual human resources advocacy organisation stressed that there are still some gay, lesbian, bisexual,...
What will be the next ‘big thing’ in the anti-Civilisation movement?
It was reported this weekend that change in the Sun's activity will plunge the earth into a mini ice age. New models of the Sun's solar cycle is generating 'unprecedentedly accurate predictions,' suggesting that...
10 things I’d rather be doing at 9.30pm tonight instead of putting myself through...
10 things I'd rather be doing at 9.30pm tonight instead of putting myself through another Q&A:
1. Watching 'An Inconvenient Truth' over cocktails at a Greenpeace fundraiser
2. Listening to Philip Adams on Radio National
3. Attending...
The coming insect apocalypse and how to avoid it…
One of the weirdest films I had to watch at school in the early 1970’s as part of my education was ‘The Hellstrom Chronicle,’ a sort of science fiction documentary presented in an earnestly...