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Mob rules

Here is a nice contribution from Joe Hildebrand on the social media lynch mob, right now hard at work tearing down what remains of the Enlightenment in Australia, and around the Western world. Joe rightly...

How did Anjem Choudary become a hate preacher?

Anjem Choudary has over the last few years, perhaps become the world's most famous Western based Islamic hate preacher. He has become the media's go-to-man for the Islamic 'extremist' opinion, or simply the Islamic...

Sam Newman attacks non-inclusive AFL

So we have a multicultural round, an indigenous round, a women's round, and now expressions of gay pride at the footy. The Footy Show's Sam Newman to the AFL. “I am a white, Anglo...

Happy 50th birthday, Singapore

Singapore is preparing to kick off its Golden Jubilee weekend with carnivals, concerts and celebrations, marking its 50th Anniversary as a nation. It is incredible to think that Singapore emerged from the events following the...

Wally of the Week: Tony Burke

The self righteous pursuer of now former Speaker Bronwyn Bishop, Labor MP Tony Burke, is our Wally of the Week, named after Everybody's Favourite Muslim Apologist (TM) Waleed Aly. Tony was putting on the po-faced...

Public shaming begins

The politics of revenge, point scoring, and public shaming begins. Led by, who else but The Age - "Independent always." LOL. http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/push-to-remove-shock-jock-alan-jones-from-scg-trust-over-goodes-outburst-20150806-gitd0b.html

Losing my Religion

The Greens don't generally have much in common with the Catholic Church, and are, in general terms, normally quite quick to point out the church's faults, a characteristic they do not apply universally of...

Greens propose new Australian flag

In breaking news, the Australian Greens propose a new national flag: It's the XYZ.

Lone Pine – 100 years ago today

On the afternoon of 6 August 1915, 100 years ago today, the Battle of Lone Pine commenced, and would continue for four days, until 10 August. Like the disastrous frontal assault across open ground...

The Greens: taking credit for things (as usual)

Oh dear. The Greens have gotten themselves embroiled in another social media controversy. Ellen Sandell, a Victorian Greens state MP has been "accused of defiling the Aboriginal flag." The Herald Sun reported today that "Ms Sandell outraged...