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Debate unwelcome – on the closing of the western mind

Ex-Muslim, Maryam Namazie, has been banned from campus by the students' union which is concerned she might "insult" Muslims and "incite hatred." This correspondent has fond memories of days allegedly spent studying law that somehow...

When is sexism not sexism?

With the downfall of Prime Minister Tony Abbott, the media has sent itself into a tailspin, poring over the question, "What kind of role did Abbott's chief of staff, Peta Credlin, have in the...

Wally of the Week: Pope Francis – “I’m not a communist, but….”

The XYZ is proud to anoint Pope Francis as its Wally of the Week, named after "Everybody's Favourite Muslim Apologist, Waleed Aly" (TM). Take this marvellous little bit of doublespeak from the Pope as he...

Mark Steyn article: The Emperor’s Moral Narcissism

This is a vitally important, but deeply disturbing summary of the quandary facing Europe, by the brilliant and straight-to-the-point Mark Steyn.  He summarises how Europe's birthrate has declined well below replacement levels, and in...

XYZ Quote of the Day: Ronald Reagan and Cultural Libertarianism

Our Quote of the Day comes from someone who epitomised the idea driving the new Cultural Libertarians, and a quote which highlights one of the driving ideas of The XYZ. "Government's first duty is to...

The Lecture on the Mount: Pope Francis’s speech to Capitol Hill

If the faithful came to Capitol Hill hoping to be spiritually wowed by a papal sermon to rival that delivered by the Galilean master on another hill at another time, they would have left...

Anti-radicalisation kit – up in smoke

The government's newly launched "Anti-radicalisation awareness kit" has attracted ridicule and condemnation for linking alternative music and environmental activism with violent extremism. Whilst the news gave me a bit of a chuckle, the whole project...

Change.org petition: Ban the use of the word “whitey” by black people

We call on the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), the Australian government, and US President Barack Obama to ban the use of the word "whitey" by non-white people. This racial slur has the effect...

Why I protest with my words

As readers of the XYZ, you will note that there is a strong concern with the de-facto open borders of the EU and the subsequent mass migration it is heralding. On the one had, progressives...

Presenting the inaugural Dworkin Award

Yesterday was Ernie Day, a time to celebrate the annual flagellation of uppity males who have yet not bowed to – and in some cases, who have openly attacked – the self-righteousness of that...