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Quote of the Day: Two things that ISIS hate

The contributors to The XYZ are among of the smartest and wittiest you will ever meet. Keating and Boethius get our joint Quote of the Day, respectively, for these absolute pearlers: "Congratulations West Ham the...

Where are the migrants’ families?

Alright here is something you may want to consider: This document shows that all those 20 to 30 year old fellas have the right to reunify their families once they are successful asylum seekers -...

Israel under siege (yet again)

I apologise, the title of this story is rather misleading. Israel isn't under siege again, Israel is perpetually under siege. The siege on Israel is like a disease that is always there, but flairs...

Say it with a Picture: Notice to men – don’t read the walls

In this latest instalment of Say it with a Picture, we examine the subconscious messages delivered to men, by advertisements in public places which are purported to empower women.  Many a verbose, psuedo-psychoanalyical article...

What is wrong with this… Shameless lie(s) for cash

Welcome to The XYZ's latest instalment of "What is wrong with this..." The latest doozy comes from Terre des Hommes, "a network of ten national organisations working for the rights of children and to...

Turnbull on Dastyari: “I never realised he had such a whiney voice”

Originally published October 14, 2015. Federal Labor Senator, Sam Dastyari used his first day in his newly promoted role on the opposition front bench to launch a personal attack on the Australian Prime Minister, renowned...

Labor’s only hope

Yesterday I wrote a piece foreshadowing the collapse of the Labor Party. While I think Labor is facing a very serious identity and electoral crisis, there is still one constituency, and flicker of hope that...

Breaking: George Lucas remasters The Phantom Menace to make it less crap

In breaking news, The XYZ can reveal that in the lead up to the new Star Wars movie, The Force Awakens, due out on December 17, 2015, he will be releasing digitally remastered versions...

The Collapse of the Australian Labor Party

Things aren't looking too peachy for the Australian Labor Party right at the moment. And I'm not just talking about the bounce in the polls that the Coalition has received since the rise of Malcolm...

Neil is our nominee for Grand Mufti

Mr Neil El-Kadomi, the head of the Parramatta Mosque favoured by teenage terrorist Farhad Jabar, has a problem with his Grand Mufti. According to Neil, the Mufti is not living up to his rather...