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Rampaging Rastafarians

I am sick to death of rampaging Rastafarians going about killing people who will not smoke weed. The latest in what is a series of routine attacks around the world by the weed smoking diaspara...

Islamism and Nazism: Kindred spirits

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has stated in an address that Haj Amin al-Husseini, the mufti of Jerusalem during the 1940s inspired Adolf Hitler in his attempt to annihilate the Jews. Husseini visited Berlin in...

Tacists out! The Guardian hath spoken

As everyone knows, The Guardian is a very serious newspaper, very serious indeed. Previously its wisdom and insights were available only to the English, but through the wonders of modern technology, the Guardian now...

Quote of the Day: Israel and the Left

The XYZ Quote of the Day for Wednesday, 21st of October sums up the left's obsession with demonising Israel: "The bottom line of the Left's world view is anti-Western culture. Israel is Western Culture transplanted...

Star Wars trailer finally here!

It's here! It's here!  The official Star Wars trailer is here. Forget the sacking of Tony Abbott, the rampage of ISIS or the grand power plays of Putin.  This is the most important event of...

Prince Charles as king: “deeply sick”

Former Prime Minister of Australia, Paul Keating has come out today, all guns blazing as usual and declared that it would be "deeply sick" for Prince Charles to become king. "What are we going to...

Who, us? Why us? What did we do?

Uhtman Badar just can't understand why the finger is pointed at Islam each time a fanatic executes an innocent Australian citizen whilst shouting "Allah Ahkbar!" Perhaps readers can help this delusional twat join the...

Toilet seat: the throne of gender equality

One of the most pressing debates in feminist circles is apparently over whether the toilet seat should be left up or down after use. You think I'm joking. Not according to Jonathan Wells from the Telegraph...

ISIS still exists – Putin supporters baffled

Despite many claims to the contrary, the Russian entry into the Syrian Civil War has not brought about the complete destruction of ISIS, in a development which has supporters of Putin baffled. One Putin...

Quote of the Day – Leader of the free world speaks

The leader of the free world, Benjamin Netanyahu, has been awarded Monday's Quote of the Day here at The XYZ. By the length of the straight. We have already shared the audio, but his words on...