White Children Will Go Extinct If You Do Nothing


As a teenager I spent my lunch breaks reading encyclopedias and atlases, so I was more informed than most about geography and world populations. Nothing prepared me for actually landing in Jakarta on the way to Europe for the first time and suddenly realising that Australia and the West in general is just a tiny population in a sea of nonwhites. How many Australians are aware that Indonesia has 273 million people? 10 times more, and that is just one country.

White majority countries make up just 14% of the world’s population. When you subtract the nonwhite populations we only make up 8 to 10% and have an ageing population.

  • China has 1.43 billion people and makes up 18.47% of the world’s population.
  • India has 1.38 billion people and makes up 17.70% of the world’s population.
  • USA has 331 million people and makes up just 4.25% of the world’s population.
  • Indonesia has 273 million people and makes up 3.51% of the world’s population.

Way down the list is Australia with 25 million people and we make up just 0.33% of the of the world’s population.

As Mark Moncrieff explained White people are a very fair, honorable and morally driven people. Most White people have no idea how vulnerable we are as a group and instead they have been beaten down with “white guilt” by establishment propaganda. The only way we can motivate our people to mentally challenge their mainstream paradigm is to stimulate their survival instinct.

Once our people go into survival mode they become motivated to save themselves and the rest of us. Years of antiwhite propaganda is forgotten and plans are made to form community and activism.

Black on White rape, murder and crime statistics do not motivate even women to care about our people because they rationalise that it won’t affect them. The only time the survival instinct kicks in is when war, death or extinction becomes imminent.

The lying fake news media has moved on from covid fear porn to nuclear war fear porn. Now is a good time to piggyback on their fear momentum and tell the truth about White Genocide. The short White Genocide mantra is very simple and effective to use on both antiwhites and White positive people. Copy and past or make stickers, flyers or memes containing the following text. Call talk back radio and read the mantra on air. Call up John Laws and don’t let that antiwhite boomer bully you:

White people make up just 8% of the global population so if you flood all White majority countries with millions of nonwhites and assimilate us with Diversity programs you permanently eliminate White children forever. There will still be a billion Africans in Africa, a billion Indians in India and 2 billion Asians in Asia. ‘Diversity’ is just a code word for White Genocide.

In some internet chat groups or social media platforms you will have to take off the last sentence to prevent your comment from being blocked by the algorithm. The word ‘Multiculturalism’ is interchangeable with ‘Diversity’ so use which ever one best suits the situation.

Whenever you are engaged by an antiwhite who doesn’t like you pointing out the situation. Post the following text or read it out to them:

All peoples have the right to exist and preserve their race and culture and nobody has the right to harm, exploit, erase or genocide any other group. If you flood all White majority countries with nonwhites and assimilate us with ‘Diversity’ programs you permanently eliminate White children forever. There will still be a billion Africans in Africa, a billion Indians in India and 2 billion Asians in Asia. “Diversity” is just a code word for White Genocide.

Repetition is good. Only call morally bankrupt people who object ‘antiwhites’ and don’t let them change the topic.

If they pretend to be aboriginal or say we deserve erasure because of settlement; post the following:

Aboriginals make up just 3.3% of Australia’s population so when you flood Australia with nonwhites and assimilate us with ‘Diversity’ programs to eliminate White children, you actually erase aboriginals first. Is your hate for White children stronger than your love for aboriginals? Are aboriginals just collateral damage to you sick morally bankrupt antiwhites?

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