XYZ Live #48 – Dutton Deports Traitor, Censorship Escalates again and more Diversity to end 2018!


Topics discussed:

  • The rash of diversity incidents involving so-called “youths of African appearance” in Melbourne and the video of Neil Erikson’s confrontation with #AfricanGangs members which resulted in a so-called “youth of African appearance” being arrested.
  • How Peter Dutton’s deportation of homegrown terrorist Neil Prakash could set a precedent.
  • The dummy spit by a mentally ill man after he was called “sir”.
  • Mastercard is pulling the strings of Patreon to demonetise key nationalist and alt light figures.
  • A quick rundown of 2018.

Thank you to all who have listened and contributed to the chat this year. The livestream is growing steadily and we look forward to building it further in 2019. We will be back to our regular time of Monday, 9:15 ADST, next week.