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Tag: transgender

Conservative Judges Are Overturning Bans On “Trans” Mutilation and Drag Queen...

From National Justice Party. Joseph Jordan The conservative movement has in the last two years seemingly embraced the fight against transsexual ideology. The issue has saturated...

Gender (re)assignment: Victorian schoolkids forced to write about changing gender

From Historiologist. A Victorian high school this term has assigned a compulsory task to Year 9 students in which they write a letter explaining why...

Starbucks takes the trans agenda global

Originally published at Historiologist on 23 May, 2023. Hot on the heels of the Bud Light marketing catastrophe with cross-dressing six-year-old impersonator Dylan Mulvaney, Starbucks India...

God versus LGBTQX

First the gays didn’t want to have the shit kicked out of them while being arrested for indecency by the local coppers. They just...

Antifa Militia Group Informs On “Trans” Activist To FBI

From National Justice Party. Joseph Jordan The Washington DC chapter of the notorious John Brown Gun Club (JBGC) is being criticized by fellow anarchists for its...

Death to Women’s Sports

At the introduction to the Australian Football League some years ago of a women’s division, I wrote that watching women chase a football around...

XYZ Live 11: GayFL

You may want to have a barf bag at the ready for this one. David and Fenian discover that everything you love is gay. The...

Are trans people losing the drag race?

In the history of American social movements, September 11 may take on new significance. September 11, 2022, is the day the powers that be...

TRANNY TERRORISM: July 4 Shooter had political motives

So-called “transexuals” are deviants who possess a hatred for all things good, beautiful and true. There is a reason why they have traditionally been...

Trans Ban: Men barred from swimming against women

Technically, the term “trans” is a complete misnomer. There is no such thing as a “trans” man or a “trans” woman. There are people...