Melbourne: Christmas Eve FIREBOMBING Ignored By Media

Not newsworthy.

Melbourne in 2023 is looking like Barcelona in about 1935.

On the night of December 23/24, 2023, a terrorist attack was committed by terrorist organisation “Antifa” against the home of Tim Lutz, a prominent Australian nationalist. His pregnant wife’s car was firebombed just metres from where his family slept.

Not newsworthy.

The fire spread to the fence but was put out. Multiple firebombs were thrown by the Marxist terrorists, but thankfully others failed to ignite.

Not newsworthy.

These photos of dud molotov cocktails were taken after “detectives” had left the scene, having failed to collect the evidence. This indicates that Victoria Police have no intention of investigating the incident.

This terrorist attack should be on the front page of every newspaper in the country, however there has not been a single article from the Australian media on it. The XYZ is literally the only news outlet in the country to cover the story.

UPDATE: Since publication, two media outlets have been forced to acknowledge the story. Naturally they have tried to turn them into hit-pieces on Tim Lutz, referring to the terrorist firebombing as a “car fire” and implying that he deserved it.

This is an escalation of a pattern of collusion between Antifa terrorists, police, intelligence agencies and the media. Antifa terrorists regularly assault and vandalise the property of nationalists and patriots to no fanfare.

In 2016 Ryan Fletcher was assaulted by Antifa terrorists at an anti-Halal protest. Despite police being mere metres away during the incident, the perpetrators were never prosecuted.

Melbourne’s Marxist terrorists make no distinction between active advocates for White Australians and ordinary conservatives. In 2018, Antifa terrorists attempted to tip a bus ferrying conservatives to an event headlined by libertarian Stefan Molyneux. In 2017 Herald-Sun columnist and Sky News presenter Andrew Bolt was attacked by Antifa terrorists in broad daylight in Lygon Street, Carlton.

These are but a few examples among many. Throughout, 2020-21, Victoria Police paused outsourcing state violence to their Antifa paramilitaries, frequently brutalising ordinary Victorians who protested against Daniel Andrews’ extremist Covid policies.

Intriguingly, the Christmas Eve firebombing is the second firebombing in a little over a month to be swept under the rug by the police and media. In November, a burger store in Caulfield owned by an Arab was firebombed. The reporting on the incident makes no sense whatsoever.

From, November 14, 2023:

The Palestinian-Australian owner of the Melbourne burger chain that was firebombed has revealed that his wife and child are living in a “safe house” following death threats.

Hash Tayeh, the owner of Burgertory, was forced to call in the police after a social media threat that he would become a “Shahid”, an Islamic term for a Muslim martyr.

“Our staff were getting phone calls daily, saying, ‘You don’t belong here. We’re going to boycott you. We’re going to close you down, your shop’s going to go’,’’ he told the ABC’s 7.30.

Terrifying CCTV footage captured the moment the Caulfield burger store exploded into flames at 4am last Friday as two men in hoodies fled the scene.

That prompted 100 pro-Palestinian protesters to gather in a park across the road from a synagogue during a Shabbat service at around 7pm that evening.

“Police are still investigating so I can’t comment on that but what I can say is that whether it was a Muslim, a Jew, a Christian or an atheist, it’s a hate crime, and to say it’s a hate crime is not saying it’s a Jewish person, it’s saying you’ve hurt me, you’ve hurt my livelihood, you’ve hurt the livelihood of my staff,” My Tayeh said.

Police say the fire, which is being investigated as suspicious, has not been linked to date as politically motivated.

Victoria Police Inspector Scott Dwyer has urged people to stop making assumptions and linking the fire to the conflict in the Middle East.

“I’d like to point out, at this stage, there is nothing to indicate that this incident is related to any religious or political involvement,” he said.


  • The burger store was in Caulfield, where a high proportion of non-Arab Middle Easterners live.
  • The store was owned by an Arab who was making pro-Arab statements on social media in the wake of the recent escalation of the conflict in Gaza.
  • The store received regular phone calls telling him “you don’t belong here”.
  • The store just happened to be firebombed.
  • Somehow we’re supposed to believe this has nothing to do with the conflict in Gaza.

Obviously, nobody believes this nonsense. Similar to the recent politically motivated violence between different Indian sects residing in Melbourne, this was an act of terrorism which occurred in Australia because foreign populations are allowed to live here (against the wishes of the Australian people) and they bring their conflicts here.

Meanwhile, open acts of terrorism by Marxist terrorists are perpetrated against advocates for White Australians and the police just let it happen. The media does a bit of hand-wringing over the ethnic riots, but buries the main story.

Daniel Andrews may have resigned, but Victoria is still a mafia state.