Coronation Coverage: ABC investigation pending for Stan Grant’s anti-White rant


Beware the wrath of the awakened Saxon:

The ABC will be investigated by its own ombudsman after the broadcaster was deluged with complaints over its ‘extremely biased’ coronation coverage.

The taxpayer-funded broadcaster reportedly received over 1,000 complaints for its ‘disrespectful’ coverage, which focussed heavily on the impact the monarchy and colonisation have had on Aboriginal Australians and people of colour.

The two hour special, hosted by The Drum’s Julia Baird and news presenter Jeremy Fernandez, featured a discussion panel featuring Q&A host , co-chair of the Australian Republic Movement Craig Foster, Liberal MP and monarchist Julian Leeser, and Wiradjuri and Wailwan woman Teela Reid.

Mr Foster called for accountability from the Royal family, at one point claiming: ‘At the heart of the wound in this nation is the Crown. And yet the Crown have been above reproach.’

The program was aired at 5pm, just three hours before the Coronation of King Charles III was broadcast in Australia.

While most of the objections were from viewers who simply wanted to express their ‘dissatisfaction’ with the coverage, some were specifically accused the ABC of breaching its editorial guidelines, reported.

A spokesman for the ABC refused to comment on the 1,000 figure and advised Daily Mail Australia to treat the report as ‘speculative’.

All formal complaints of editorial failings are investigated by the ABC ombudsman’s office which will report its findings to the board, chaired by Ita Buttrose.

Liberal MP Julian Leeser, who was on the panel and the only monarchist present on the programme, claimed the ABC ‘got the balance wrong’.

‘To have only one of four panellists as supporters of our existing constitutional arrangements meant there was little opportunity for a panel discussion that reflected the warmth and respect Australians have for King Charles,’ he said.

This is typical, tepid signalling from a Liberal Party which supports child grooming and mass immigration. We’re passed trying to make the ABC a little more balanced, let alone to stop it breaching its charter. We’re even passed giving half of the ABC’s budget to XYZ News so we can provide a government funded news service which is just as biased to the right as the ABC is biased to the left.

The ABC needs to be completely and utterly obliterated, and all its employees should be imprisoned for life for treason.

Last week, a monarchist group threatened legal action over the national broadcaster’s coverage of the event.

The Australian Monarchist League (AML) released a statement revealing it was preparing to file a legal complaint to the ABC’s board.

Philip Benwell, AML’s national chair, described the show as an ‘extremely biased pre-Coronation programme specifically designed to attack the Constitution and the Crown’.

 ‘So vitriolic are their attacks on the King, the monarchy, the British settlement and everything that came thereafter that they forget that they are the very people who want our vote for their Voice to the Parliament,’ Mr Benwell wrote.

Good point. The apparent strategy employed to pass an anti-White referendum which would entrench the power of anti-White, slightly aboriginal political activists, is to scream at White people that we’re evil. Ordinary Aussies are in an abusive relationship with the anti-White political system, we need to go no contact.

Intriguingly, the Lying Press article which we have cut and pasted without attribution in order to avoid spreading dangerous misinformation and harmful conspiracy theories, makes no mention of the most hated man on Australian television, Stan Grant. Let’s recap some of his words:

‘There is no Indigenous foundation, no Indigenous heritage to Australia, Australia sought to erase the Indigenous heritage,’ Grant said.

‘We weren’t at the Federation discussions, we weren’t at the table, indeed we weren’t counted when the Constitution was written.’

He went on to say that ‘we don’t read history in a linear way’. 

‘It is scars, it is broken bones and it is too many damaged souls, and we need to heal and bring love to the hearing,’ he continued.

‘This conversation is so important, I am so glad we can have this because it is necessary.’

An abusive relationship in which anti-White hatred is reframed as “love”.

The ABC coverage of the Coronation of King Charles III and the anti-White rhetoric deployed by its panellists is completely normal in The Current Year. It matches the interests of both major political parties in Australia, the corporate sector, every institution and NGO. The entire system relies upon mass immigration to keep feeding itself, and concerted opposition to mass immigration is thwarted via the invention of several centuries worth of fake “genocides”.

The purported “aboriginal genocide” the Russian and Polish pogroms, the holocaust and the supposed Belgian genocide in the Congo have all been largely concocted out of thin air. Yet White people are forced to feel guilty by having these historical fictions shoved down our throats as historical fact, and the only way to assuage that unnecessary guilt is to let mass immigration happen.

This is why the ABC went to such lengths to spoil the coronation as much as it could. No hint of White Pride can be allowed to stir in our Anglo hearts. Thus the strong pushback is encouraging.

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