AFL Virtue Signals on “voice to parliament”


A week after the AFL *hinted* it could support the so-called “voice to parliament”, the AFL has issued a poorly written media post supporting the so-called voice. In doing so it has fallen in line with the NRL.

From the AFL:

The AFL is privileged to have a long history of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leadership in our game, from the grassroots in every state and territory, through to the AFL and AFLW competitions.

Over the past year we have had many discussions on the proposal to recognise a Voice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in consultation with our clubs, our staff, our players, and the AFL’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Council.

Last week, clubs indicated they received a hastily written memo, authored by the AFL’s diversity pick Diversity Officer Tanya Hosch, on very late notice practically ordering them to take a position supporting “the voice” in time for the poorly labelled “aboriginal round”, which goes for two rounds.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander players have long made a stellar contribution on the footy field.

Their off-field contributions are equally valued for the impact they have made on our game and our community.

While we encourage everyone to seek the information they need to form their own views on the referendum, the AFL proudly supports the recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Australian Constitution through the Voice to Parliament.

Code for, support “the voice” bigot.

This entirely predictable announcement comes one day after several AFL clubs issued social media posts aligning themselves with the groomer “IDAHOBIT” propaganda day, despite wearing advertisements on their guernseys for state owned airlines from Arabic countries where homosexuality is officially outlawed.

This virtue signalling is indicative of a government, corporate and media sector which is completely out of step with working class White Australians impacted by a cost of living crisis caused by two years of lockdowns, sanctions on Russia and mass immigration.

Witness the utter shock with which a protest in Tasmania against the AFL’s planned 700 million dollar stadium was treated. 5000 Tasmanians gave up their Saturday to voice support for a Tasmanian AFL team while objecting to the mandatory big ugly stadium which came with the package deal.

Government people waffled that the plan had been in the works for years, while rich ABC radio hosts expressed astonishment that bread and circus bribes no longer satisfied the proles.

30 years ago a Tasmanian Australian Rules Football team would have been great. Now it is the last thing Tasmania needs. The AFL no longer means football.

It means compulsory statements on elite driven identity politics issues, major construction projects for well connected developers, and a contrived mutation of Aussie Rules designed for close games and maximised attendance.

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