Why are people so quick to reject the truth?


We have all felt the frustrations of making realisations about what is really going on in this world, but being utterly rejected the moment we try to share it with others.

So what is it about new information that causes people to shut it out so completely, even to the point of breaking friendships and rejecting family members who deliver it?

Well, at its core, it comes down to three basic questions that most humans will do anything and everything to avoid. As long as our minds are distracted by social media, poker machines, football, business, alcohol, drugs, pornography, or anything else that will create the white noise required, we can avoid having to confront those questions that are always gently tapping away at our conscience. But put a man or woman in a silent place, separated from their distractions with only their thoughts, and invariably the same three questions will return to haunt them.

1: How did I get here?
2: What is my purpose of being here?
3: What happens when I die?

Of course, we have all been there already. Somewhere between our teens and adulthood, as we learned to probe the unknown world around us for answers, we all had to confront these questions, and develop conclusions to them that would sit comfortably enough for us to get on with our lives.

For some, the answer was in the evolution theory. The world is just a random event, there is no purpose, and when we die, it’s just lights out. And while that sits just comfortably enough for some to ‘never have to think about it again’, the majority simply can’t accept that there is nothing else, and seek to answer the questions from one of the multitude of religious or spiritual options available, or simply create a religious theory that suits them by integrating bits they like while rejecting the pieces they don’t.

Then, after arriving at their conclusion to the question, this belief becomes the foundation upon which everything else is built. For example, our views on something like abortion will be greatly influenced by our core belief to these questions. If our being is just a meaningless random event, then life has no purpose anyway. But if our core belief is that each life was created by a God, then we may hold life to be a precious and valuable miracle.

So when someone comes along with new information that exposes our belief about abortion to be incorrect, it also impacts our core beliefs as incorrect, and threatens not only everything already built upon them, but a need to revisit and review the questions yet again, and the reaction is usually one of anger.

The reason it invokes anger is because it invokes fear, and anger is a by-product of fear. In fact, whenever a human is angry, there is always a fear at its core. So great is the fear of having our core beliefs exposed, that throughout history we have repeatedly seen mankind prepared to even face death in order to defend their conclusions to the meaning of life.

In exactly the same way, most people develop an image of their modern world that they prefer, rather than one based on reality and fact. They live in a self-created illusion, distracted by all the shiny things and the technology available to them. Yet painfully, and just below the surface of their consciousness, they are in fact, fully aware of their lie.

For example, in their self-created world, something like destroying the traditional family unit and eradicating discipline does not lead to children who grow up to be unproductive adults with all kinds of problems, higher crime rates, higher suicide rates, drug addiction, inability to hold down a job or welfare dependence. And no matter what one chooses to believe, or how bizarre that belief may be, it’s guaranteed that there will be a site on the internet somewhere that will reinforce it and give one that “Ah Ha! I was right!” moment.

So when you approach such a person with facts and statistics proving the opposite, you are shattering their whole illusion.

The second reason you will face such a challenge to get people to ‘wake up’ is based in ego. You see, I have met very few people who think they are a bad person, and those that do, actually feed their own ego by being a ‘bad’ person. They revel in it and are proud of how ‘bad’ they are. But the huge majority of people are actually trying to convince themselves that they are ‘good’ people. And to reinforce that belief, they find a ’cause’ to stand up for. That’s why the climate change lie is so popular. It requires minimal actual effort, and people can use it to justify themselves as good because they are ‘saving the planet’, and can compare themselves to all the ‘evil’ people who aren’t.

But here’s where the real dilemma begins. If a truly ‘good’ person were to be made aware about something such as, for example, what is really happening in aboriginal communities, like 6-month-old babies contracting chlamydia, or 12-year-old girls who commit suicide because they can’t take being gang raped anymore, or the levels of domestic violence and alcoholism,….. then a truly ‘good’ person would be compelled to do something about it, wouldn’t they? And therein lies the problem. Both far too lazy and ‘self’ centred to actually really care, the solution is instead to berate the carrier of the information as a liar, conspiracy theorist, bigot or racist. Because if it’s not true, they don’t need to do anything about it.

At the end of the day, their answers to the 3 questions, their view of the modern world, and their view of themselves, are all illusionary. And until something actually affects them personally, they simply don’t want to know about it. So when you come along and expose the lies they are believing with your factual information, you are actually rattling the very foundations upon which their whole life illusion is built, and you should fully expect to be met with fear, anger, wrath and ridicule, or be dismissed as an extremist.