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Tag: conspiracy theories

Why are people so quick to reject the truth?

We have all felt the frustrations of making realisations about what is really going on in this world, but being utterly rejected the moment...

The Neurodiversity Episode – Melbourne Traditionalists Podcast – Episode Thirty Two

Apparently we are no longer supposed to use words such as “retarded”, “crazy” or “autistic”. No, these are all covered by a new, politically...

The Uncuckables Ep. 21: Epstein El Paso Abortion

Topics discussed: Mass shootings in the US, the lying media narrative and the convenient distraction from stories about Epstein and Assange. The so-called "conspiracy...

Is Stephen Hawking dead and now played by an actor?

This article was originally published on July 7, 2017. We couldn't resist the urge for an encore... Ask the ordinary man on the street...

Jeremy Corbyn on why  9/11 was ‘manipulated’ and the present whereabouts...

British Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has claimed the 9/11 attacks on New York were 'manipulated' by George Bush and Tony Blair as a pretext...