Hushcrime: ABC Hides Hate Crime Against White Girl


A 13-year-old girl was ‘allegedly’ tortured for four to five hours on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland by three nonwhite teens last week.

“Basically, I just tortured someone, kind of, I don’t know, it was like keeping hostage or something… we just pumped her, and we were just like torturing her for these four hours straight.”

The shocking footage was all over the internet, so I went to the ABC to search for official statements from authorities regarding the matter. I was confronted by a huge banner reading ‘Harmony Week, Celebrating Australia’s Cultural Diversity.’ Is the ABC some kind of sick joke?

I did multiple searches on Their ABC for the story. ‘Girl tortured’ etc. Nothing recent came up. Finally when I searched ‘three teenage girls’, I found their coverage of the event. One tiny little article with only generic photos and no mention of torture, nor any mention of race.

From their ABC:

Police are urging people to stop sharing a video of an alleged depraved attack on a 13-year-old girl at the Sunshine Coast this month.

It comes as three girls aged 12, 13 and 14 years old have been charged with deprivation of liberty and assault — accused of holding the teen against her will.

The calls from detectives to cease sharing footage of the attack follows the shocking vision emerging on social media of the teen allegedly being assaulted, taunted and cut with a knife over the period of several hours.

The ABC understands it has also been circulated among school students.

Detectives say the 13-year-old girl was invited to a home and assaulted over several hours on March 11.

She was allegedly stopped from leaving a Tewantin property.

In a statement, a Queensland Police Service spokesman said: “Police are appealing for people not to share any images or vision relating to this incident out of respect for the victim and to not add to the notoriety of those involved.”

They repeatedly beg people not to share the footage on social media. Of course that is to protect the victim, right? Wrong. It’s to hide the fact that the victim was White and the perpetrators were nonwhite. The ABC wouldn’t want real events to overshadow Harmony Week now would they?

As much as I recognise that all the mainstream media in Australia is antiwhite and anti-Australian I must give credit where it is due. also cleverly left the race of the victim and perpetrators out of the story but covered the matter thoroughly.

So did the Daily Mail.

Maybe their ABC always leaves the race of perpetrators out of their stories? Well no. While searching for their coverage of the alleged torture, I found many stories with the word ‘White’, prominently repeated for any situation where a nonwhite was harmed by a White person.

Their ABC must be audited and every employee must be tried for their involvement in this taxpayer funded antiwhite disgrace. Just following orders will not be tolerated in future tribunals.

It’s Their ABC.

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