Erskine’s voice is growing


From Patriotic Alternative.

Kenny Smith

The community of Erskine in Renfrewshire are raising their voice. They are doing this despite an array of condemnation from politicians, media and extremists on the far-left. The slurs and the name-calling so often hurled at anybody who stands up for local communities are losing their power.

The good folk of this small town on the edge of Paisley are not standing against the anti-White agenda as we in Patriotic Alternative do. Not yet anyway. They are however, getting their eyes opened to what the bigger picture is.

When PA where invited in by members the local community to help them fight back against the housing of 200 fight-age male economic migrants in a hotel right beside a local nursery, we immediately leapt to action and gave them the support needed. We have the experience in dealing with such matters and more importantly, we have the courage to withstand all the smears and insults that cause your average CivNat to disavow a love of our own people and cry about how inclusive they are.

A lot of effort was put in behind the scenes with people across the community initially just combating the lies being spread by the anti-Whites. We met and spoke with lots of people and gave them the confidence that Patriotic Alternative is an organisation filled with good quality normal folk – though I myself consider our activists to be remarkably extraordinary people. In short order they realised we were the only organised and effective people on their side.

While the local resistance dithered amid concerns about how they would be perceived by the outside world, the PA team lead by the indomitable Simon Crane got stuck in and launched the #ErskineSaysNo campaign in earnest.

The majority of the town was leafletted and posters were erected advertising a demonstration. Confidence was growing and the community seemed to be united in effort. The pressure exerted on the local leaders who were emerging was enormous and unsurprisingly they had a little wobble and tried to organise a separate protest the day before. It did not have the impact required and it was still slammed by the usual suspects.

The next day, Sunday 5th Feb, PA organised a far bigger demonstration and the protestors from the day before came and joined us. Hands were shook and everybody agreed that the only way to succeed is to work together on the common goal to get the hotel shutdown.

140 courageous people chanted “Erskine Says No” to an unruly mob of about hundred circus freaks of various communist hues who had been bussed in from all over Scotland. Our banners and placards got national media attention and our speeches were shared across the world wide web. This old git even made an impact on TikTok by getting almost 200k views on one video. The hashtag #ErskineSaysNo was being employed to great effect. The publicity PA garnered was more than the town could have hoped for and the buzz in the town the days that followed was palpable.

Strategic decision

That next week PA took a strategic decision to let the local team take the lead. They decided fortnightly protests would be enough. PA was unsurprisingly therefore inundated with local demands for us to step into the breech again and we did not disappoint. We organised more leafleting, including parts of the surrounding area, and a banner drop in the town centre. This later action was quickly swooped upon by Police Scotland who claimed they were enforcing local authority guidelines on cable tying banners to bridges!

Our team went back to the community and urged them to make the protests weekly at the very least and come out in force to raise their voices. This week the turnout grew to 180 brave souls and the unwashed opposition’s numbers shrank to just 60. The cries of Erskine Says No were heard loud and clear.

Unlike the first demonstration when PA dominated the speeches from the platform, we gave the floor almost exclusively to the local community this time. Some took a bit of encouraging, but in the end eight local legends stepped forward to voice their opposition to the migrant hotel.

Witnessing the growing confidence of the local community is one of the highlights of our efforts in Erskine. Community politics is about empowering local people to act in their own interests. PA are helping our own people become the leaders of their own communities. When the penny drops and they realise the potential they have in themselves they will reject the scoundrels who have betrayed them in the council chambers, Holyrood and Westminster.

Patriotic Alternative is changing the political landscape across the UK for ethno-nationalism. Our sensible and serious approach is winning the hearts and minds of decent honest folk. Community politics works and those that tell you it is a waste of time engaging in such work would do well to listen to what I told the people of Erskine on Sunday 19th Feb. View the video here.

We do not have our hands on the levers of power yet, but we are starting down that road. In Scotland, we already have three PA activists who are community councillors in their local neighbourhoods. We are determined to succeed in whatever we do and there is a role for all.

From Patriotic Alternative.