Police Scotland arrest Migrant Grooming Gangs but keep it Secret


From Patriotic Alternative.

Johnny Alba

Police Scotland arrested a group of asylum seekers who had abused at least 44 victims, including a core group of six young people who were all known to each other. One of the youngsters had been abused by potentially up to 28 asylum seekers and another by potentially 23 people.

The asylum seekers came from a range of backgrounds including Kurdish, Egyptian, Iraqi, Moroccan, Pakistani and Turkish communities. Police Scotland identified 55 suspected members of the abuse ring and positively identified 46 of those involved in the abuse.

The operation that took them down was named Operation Cerrar, and took place in 2020 but Police Scotland kept the details secret from the media and general public. The activities of the migrant grooming gangs only came to the attention of the media due to an investigation by the Daily Express newspaper that accessed briefings from the 2016 operation that are stored in the archives of the Glasgow Child Protection Committee. Requests for information under Freedom of Information about operations regarding asylum seekers grooming Scottish children have been blocked by Police Scotland in the past.

A shockingly low number of the suspected abusers were reported for their actions. Police Scotland reported that only 19 members of the gang were reported to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal, but it is unknown how many were convicted.

Even more shocking is the fact that 22 of the suspects are still living in Glasgow, with a further eight still thought be in the UK. Only 14 had been deported, with another awaiting deportation and one in prison.

Multiple operations

Operation Cerrar is not the only operation that has identified asylum seeker grooming gangs operating in the Glasgow area and their activities had been kept secret from the public. Operation Cotswold was set up in 2011 and focused on a group of Middle Eastern asylum seekers in the north of the city. This operation identified at least 26 potential victims and files were sent to the procurator fiscal to consider action against a group of asylum seekers, if action was taken is yet again not known.

Operation Dash, the second operation was a broader attempt launched after Operation Cotswold ended in 2013 to root out child sexual exploitation across the Strathclyde police area working in partnership with charity Barnardo’s Scotland to gather intelligence. Operation Dash ran for almost two years and 27 offenders were reported to the procurator fiscal. One culprit, 20-year-old Afghan asylum seeker Javaid Akhond, was jailed for six years for preying on young girls. If action was taken against the other suspected offenders is not known at this time.

For years nationalists have raised the fact that Scottish youngsters are being groomed and abused by asylum seekers and men of foreign heritage not only in the Glasgow area but across Scotland. Various nationalist groups also raised the issue of child prostitution and grooming that is known to take place in the Govanhill area of Glasgow by immigrants in the last decades. But politicians and Police Scotland have not only ignored these reports but have actively attempted to silence the nationalist Groups and members of the public who have also raised these concerns.

It appears that politicians and the organisations in Scotland who are supposed to protect the indigenous children of Scotland are happy to ignore the industrial scale abuse that is being carried out against them by asylum seekers and immigrants to build their dream of a multicultural Scotland.

These organisations and the people who oversee them need taking to task for their actions. They have wilfully failed in their duties while in public office and should face sanction for this.

The media in Scotland has also played its part until recently in covering up this abuse and attacking anyone who has raised concerns.

This abuse is going to carry on in Scotland and more than likely grow as the Scottish government seeks to flood our nation with more asylum seekers and immigrants. It appears that very few of the perpetrators of this abuse are being prosecuted and even fewer deported, this is unacceptable.

Lack of action

Of course, the wider nationalist aim is for the humane voluntary repatriation of migrants in our lands to their ancestral countries. Until this can be achieved, we must stop all immigration to our lands and look at the immediate deportation of any foreign national or person of non-British heritage who has committed a crime, whether present or historical to their homelands.

That there seems to be no record of what action was taken against most of the asylum seekers reported to the procurator fiscal is a worrying factor. Nothing it appears has happened to the bulk of the offenders who are free to walk the streets of the UK, more than likely emboldened by the lack of action taken against them to carry on their abuse. In the case of asylum seekers, the intelligence that they are linked to grooming gangs should be enough, even without conviction, to lead to invalidating their asylum claim and immediate deportation.

Too often we are seeing the Human Rights Act and the UN 1951 Refugee Convention used to allow foreign criminals to stay in the UK after they have committed crimes and served sentences that would lead to deportation. The Refugee Convention is outdated, and the UK Government should now opt out of it. The HRA also needs repealed and sensible legislation put in its place.

The protection of our children and their futures must be the most important thing for all of us. But now they are being failed by the politicians, the UK and Scottish governments, the legal system, the Police service and other organisations that should be protecting them.

From Patriotic Alternative.