Another fake abo box ticker accuses other fake abo box tickers of being fake abo box tickers


Surely by now Andrew Bolt deserves an acquittal, an apology and some hefty compensation. The phenomenon of White people “identifying” as aboriginal for political, social and economic gain has become so common that even SBS is doing whole shows about it:

The words came as a bit of a shock. I listened to the woman tell her story to Karla Grant, host of Insight’s special episode ‘Indigenous identity’, airing on SBS on Tuesday.

Peering up through wet lashes, she described her love for her nan and the trials of her “later in life” self-identification as a Wiradjuri woman, the belonging to her people she craves that has been denied her.

And then she said it.

“Wiradjuri culture has been eradicated.”

Seated next to my cousin, Yvonne Weldon, an amazing and well-known Wiradjuri woman, the words took my breath away.

In that moment, the woman had erased me, Yvonne and our entire kin. As we sat right before her very eyes.

These people are so melodramatic. Anyway:

I am accustomed to presentations by ‘racial shifters’, part of my study in health communication at the University of Sydney’s Department of Anthropology. Still, I was struck dumb by her words and in those seconds where your body automatically takes over when your brain is momentarily stunned, I heard myself and Yvonne speak out in unison: “No, it isn’t.”

Racial shifters is a term by American anthropologist Circe Sturm, who worked with Cherokee in the US, to describe “individuals who have changed their racial self-identification on the census form in recent years”.

Racial shifters – or box-tickers as many Aboriginal people refer to them here – see value in “self-indigenising”. As the numbers show in the last census results, of the 25 per cent national increase, more than 92,000 cannot be explained as normal population growth.

This is basically a faaarrr right talking point being acknowledged by the mainstream Lying Press. It’s awesome.

Box-tickers pop up in our social spaces, and no doubt in yours, at an alarming rate. The phenomenon is not new for Wiradjuri people who have observed it occurring for decades. Over the years, Wiradjuri became such a popular choice for box-tickers we earned the nickname “the default tribe”. But we have never before had to deal with numbers on the scale we are experiencing now.

If the census trajectory continues unabated, it is reasonable to expect that box-tickers will statistically outnumber Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in 15 years or three censuses.

This is a crucial point. One of the main false accusations against colonial Australian administrations is that we tried to breed aborigines out of existence through miscegenation. Yet if this modern woke trend of White people identifying as aboriginal accelerates, that is precisely what will happen.

The aboriginal flag, aside from being a very modern and invention, does not represent the aboriginal people. The flag is most commonly associated with city aboriginals, university aboriginals, the box tickers, ie White people pretending to be aboriginal. As such the aboriginal flag represents aboriginal genocide through miscegenation and cultural appropriation.

My study is concerned with the stories that box-tickers tell their audiences and the performance elements that are usually well-received but can be damaging. Choosing to self-identify, box-tickers complete their conversion in the narratives they tell which often means floating distorted meanings and concepts.

For example, the over 50 age bracket grew 39 per cent overall in the 2021 census. The eastern states and ACT together contributed 92 per cent of individuals in this age group who ticked the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander census box for the first time.

Sounds like cat ladies in universities and the public service identifying as aboriginal to get promotions and free gibs. Sure enough:

Having worked and studied in the university system, I have had greater opportunity to witness the ways race shifting occurs and how it is promoted throughout Australia’s government and corporate institutions.

Naturally, the aboriginal whose article I am cutting and pasting wilfully ignores the fact that the system of free gibs for aborigines incentivises self hating Whites to identify as aborigine. Instead she regurgitates party line slogans about so-called “White privilege” and “entitlement”:

What is the downstream impact from the cultural authority these institutions have assumed?

The recording of the Insight program was a unique opportunity for me to observe box-tickers in collective formation. As individuals, they crave a sense of belonging. But they do not let go of their sense of entitlement.

It’s true, but what do you expect from a system which is attempting to lower Whites to the mean. So-called “positive discrimination” and a sick culture which insists that men can become women makes this all but assured. Rachel Dolezal was a pioneer.

The punchline comes when you look at a photo of the author, Suzanne Ingram.

This isn’t the first time this has happened.

Fake Abo Box Ticker calls Fake Abo Box Tickers Fake Abo Box Tickers

Basically, the practice of White people identifying as aboriginal for political, social and economic benefit has become so common that the White cat ladies who got in early on the fake aboriginal racket are trying to protect their privileged position by preventing too many other White cat ladies from taking their piece of the pie.

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