Nuke Melbourne: African SMILED as he Stabbed White Driver


Never relax:

A Melbourne father has revealed his attacker was smiling as the man stabbed him twice in the back in a mid-afternoon road rage attack.

The 54-year-old has said he thought he was going to die during the violent incident in Melbourne’s western suburbs on Tuesday, November 2, as police call for the public’s help to track down the two men involved.

Andrew, an ex-serviceman, believes he was deliberately targeted when he was on the way home from the supermarket just before 2.30pm on the Melbourne Cup Day public holiday.

He said the driver of a grey Volkswagen hatchback antagonised him into pulling over, tormenting him by braking and swerving in front of him.

Andrew then pulled his white Ford Ranger utility over on Carinza Avenue near Oakdene Grove in Altona Meadows, and the driver of the Volkswagen did the same.

Andrew said once he was out of his ute he saw someone sprinting at him with a knife in his hand.

“I went to turn around to get back into the car but I didn’t make it,” he said.

Andrew said his attacker didn’t say anything as he stabbed him twice in the lower back – but his smile was clear.

“As he was stabbing me, he was looking at me over my left shoulder smiling.

“He was enjoying it.

“The next thing I knew, I dropped to the ground.”

The man then ran back to the Volkswagen and the driver sped away.

The car was last seen travelling north towards the Werribee area.
Andrew said a woman who witnessed the attack saved his life, holding his stabs wounds and encouraging him to stay alive under an ambulance arrived.

“If it wasn’t for her I’d be dead,” he said.

The Altona Meadows father said he was sure he was going to die.

“I said goodbye to my mum and dad, my kids, my family.”

Andrew survived his serious injuries but has had a long recovery.

He has just returned to work, but pain is affecting his ability to work.

“I am struggling physically and mentally and financially.”

Police have released images of the men and CCTV footage in the hope someone recognises the attacker and the driver and contacts police.

The men are both perceived to be African in appearance and aged in their early 20s.


They put the photo of the Africans way down the bottom of the article, and they admitted that they’re African in the second last paragraph. That’s a new record.

National Justice Party has noted with regard to black-on-White assaults in America:

Q: How do you know a murder is “random”?

A: When the victim is white, the killer is black, and you’re wearing the blue!

Clearly this attack is not random, as it is now entirely normal in Australian cities for Africans to assault White people without provocation.

Furthermore it is reasonable to describe this assault as racially motivated. Given the 24 hour, non-stop anti-White hatred propagated by the political and Lying Press establishment, it is entirely possible the Africans who committed this stabbing hate White people and stabbed the White driver precisely because he is White.

It would explain the smile.

Even if the stabbing was not motivated by racial hatred, we can still describe it as racially motivated because the Africans knew they would get away with it.

White people are at the bottom of the food chain in Western countries. We should lobby for a Voice to Parliament or something.

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