State Sponsored Rape


From Patriotic Alternative.

Fenek Solere 

While news breaks of ‘baby gangs’ composed of hundreds of North African youths chanting “This is Africa” and sexually assaulting dozens of young Italian girls in the towns of Peschiera and Castelnuovo near Lake Garda, Sky News reports that Shabir Ahmed, a Welfare Officer employed by Oldham Council, was the ringleader of a grooming gang responsible for multiple sexual offences in Rochdale. This despite multiple concerns being raised about him and his arrest for the sexual assault of children. And yet the police failed to tell his employers.

An oversight, matched by the Italian authorities who utterly failed to prevent the flag waving rioters and their predatory intentions as they mobbed shops, stealing goods, brawled with sticks and knives and chased down their 16 and 17 year old ‘white prey’ inside railway carriages heading for Milan.

Unforgivable scenes, especially when one remembers the New Year’s Eve behaviour of similar migrants in Milan. Left Wing pundits claiming in Il Giornale that “right wing men are responsible for rape culture”  and immediately insisting that there was no link between immigration and the criminal activity witnessed by hundreds of people in the towns that were literally swarmed by the non-white demographic in question.

–        Peschiera del Garda, maxirissa in centro e denunce di abusi sessuali sul treno per Milano: i video.

–        I tiktoker disertano Peschiera, niente raduno bis sul lago di Garda, ma resta la paura baby gang.

Criminal complacency that brought our Italian brothers out on to the streets to show their disgust about what had happened.

Protesta Peschiera del Garda: “Difendiamo la nostra terra”.

Meanwhile in Britain it would seem that the authorities, the media, social services and the police are determined to downplay such chronically abhorrent behaviour, refusing to publish detailed reports into the grooming gangs  that have blighted our nation for decades and remain intent on demonizing anyone concerned about such matters as extremists or ‘far-right’.

–        EXCLUSIVE: Hull grooming gang victim beaten & burned during violent rape.

–        Grooming scandal: I was abused from age five to age 14  Commentator shares her emotional story.