Counter Terrorism Cops Clear Canberra Convoy Camp

This is for your health.

Heavily armed, black clad counter terrorism police have this morning cleared out the lawns of the National Library in Canberra, which were being used as a camp site by Canberra Convoy protesters.

They ordered protesters to move on, yet they had blocked off the exits. You can watch a full livestream of events here. Real Rukshan never gets censored, for some reason. Reignite Democracy also regularly updates with videos here.

Ordinary Australians are currently making their way to Canberra to protest against nationwide vaccine mandates. This week they protested at the doors of Federal Parliament, mobbed the Prime Minister’s car outside the National Press Club and were assaulted by heavily armed police for no reason.

This has understandably alarmed the Australian Regime, which has mobilised hundreds of its crack troops to disperse the protesters. Note the incredibly bureaucratic regulation they have used as a pretext with which to move in:

They say they respect their right to peacefully protest, but they are “trespassing” and must remove all vehicles and camping equipment. Funny how they have never applied this law to the aboriginal tent “embassy”.

Naturally, fully armed and operational counter terrorism police were required to push over mothers in front of their children.

This is for your health. Woof.

Pretext assured, the heavily armed police moved in and started towing vehicles which had not already been moved. Note the way the freedom protesters are quoting Common Law at police, yet the police are unmoved.

Thus we see that there is only one law which matters in Australia. Note the sheer numbers of police deployed.

This is for your health.

Standing in formation. It is a sight to which we have become far too accustomed.

They even had special forces in a boat on Lake Burley-Griffin.

This is for your health.

Only one law matters. This is why I write about the banality of bureaucracy, and why I ignore Common Law and any dreams of creating a water tight Constitution. All laws written down by man only bog us down in endless discussions, rabbit holes and bickering. It goes round and round in circles. It doesn’t make sense and it is deliberately intended to never make sense.

You have either God’s Law or you have no law. Either way, what it comes down to is which side has the numbers and the will.

The protesters will undoubtedly regroup. It will be interesting to see how many they can gather in Canberra tomorrow.

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