Scott Morrison Could DIE OF COVID


Okay, I might have exaggerated a little bit. Somebody who went to the same BBQ as Scott Morrison tested positive for Covid, so everybody who was there has to turn their lives upside down:

Prime Minister Scott Morrison is monitoring for COVID-19 symptoms after a positive case attended Kirribilli House, Sydney earlier this week.

“NSW Health has advised a person who is a confirmed case of COVID-19 attended Kirribilli House on Wednesday 29 December while potentially infectious,” a spokesperson for the prime minister told 9News.

The positive case attended a press conference held on Wednesday while potentially infectious.

It’s basically not even news. The headline was literal clickbait.

Changes to isolation rules for close contacts, which came into effect at 12am on Friday, mean Mr Morrison isn’t required to isolate.

Residents and staff of Kirribilli House are also monitoring for symptoms but NSW Health has said there is no need to close or contact attendees.

“Kirribilli House residents and staff members are acting in accordance with the instructions from NSW Health,” the spokesperson said.

But you know, the Lying Press did a story on it too so that makes it okay. It could happen to anyone, the Prime Minister, the Australian cricket captain, because we’re all in this together. (Mind you, Pat Cummins is only the captain now because an SJW decided that Tim Paine needed to be investigated for sending text messages to an adult woman or something. They undermined the family by saying we shouldn’t interfere with extra-marital sex if it is between two consenting adults, but once they normalised it they invented rules making it okay for them to interfere with extra-marital sex if it is between two consenting adults. That’s a boss-tier bait and switch.)

Anyway, where was I? Isolation rules.

It is worth repeating how a single degenerate caused 700 other degenerates in Melbourne to self isolate because he attended two venues. Several states are now reporting tens of thousands of Covid cases a day, partly because everybody wants to travel interstate for the first time in two years and need to test negative to attain the privilege, partly because the PCR test is rubbish and partly because the RAT is even worse.

So if tens of thousands of people are testing positive to Covid, each of those tens of thousands of people would force dozens or hundreds of further people to test and isolate. Each of those in turn know dozens or hundreds more. Add in the unreliable PCR and RAT, and you have a recipe for sending practically the entire country into isolation.

There is currently a global supply crisis precisely because of idiotic bureaucratic isolation rules such as this. However, that is not the scariest flow on effect.

As with the normalisation of people testing themselves for the right to be able to do mundane, everyday things, the normalisation of “self isolation” is horrifying. The globalists are engineering a society in which people isolate from one another and constantly test themselves for disease while being careful not to share opinions on social media which go against the orthodoxy.

I am pretty sure dystopian novels and movies have been made about this sort of thing.

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