Queensland Police Arrest Multiple Cafe Owners Because Covid: Nobody Does Anything


You know what’s funny?

The police are heavily outnumbered in this footage from Bar Wunder in Toowoomba as patrons prevent them from getting in:

However, the police just went to the owners’ home in the middle of the night and arrested them anyway:

The police were heavily outnumbered in this footage from The Vintage Apron in Capalaba, Brisbane, but they were still able to arrest the bar owner on his own property:

The police were likely outnumbered in this footage too as supporters of the bar owner surrounded the police station:

But nobody did anything. They just keep getting away with it. Regarding the owners of Bar Wunder in Toowoomba:

Queensland Police said there had been ‘multiple breaches of the Chief Health Officer’s directions’ by the bar.

On January 15 at 2.10pm the licensed premises was allegedly opened with approximately 50-60 patrons inside consuming alcohol for a number of hours.
‘Police attended the address twice and were blocked by a large crowd who prevented entry to the premises,’ the Police spokesman said.

That night the police went to a Toowoomba residence and arrested owners Mark Davis, 56, and Fiona Davis, 50.

Mr Davis was charged with one count of failing to comply with a Covid-19 direction and he will face Toowoomba Magistrates Court on January 25.

Ms Davis was charged with two counts of the same offence and will appear on March 16.

Regarding the owner of The Vintage Apron:

In the southern Brisbane suburb of Capalaba on Sunday, The Vintage Apron owner was handcuffed and led away by police.

In a video posted to social media, the man resisted the police officer’s attempts to arrest him and two more officers step in to help.

The man is handcuffed and dragged away as he complains that his arm is being hurt and says ‘Don’t hurt me.’

Many customers are seen filming the scene on their mobile phones, while a woman’s voice says ‘This is not right.’

A few days ago at the Dayman General Store Cafe in Hervey Bay, a middle aged woman was unceremoniously dumped in the back of a divvy van after refusing to show her papers. Police had been harassing patrons for no reason:

Eventually they descended upon the poor woman, determined to make an example of her:

The woman, identified by Dayman General Store Cafe’s owners as Rebecca, is alleged to have repeatedly refused to provide her details, including her vaccination status, to officers on Wednesday.

Under Queensland public health orders, people not vaccinated for COVID-19 are not allowed into hospitality venues.

Police say they checked COVID-19 compliance at cafe after receiving “information from members of the public”.

In footage of the 46-year-old woman’s arrest posted to the cafe’s Facebook page, she is heard to say, “you can’t arrest me”, to the five police officers present.

It’s crazy.

Ordinary people who are just trying to earn a living after being almost put out of business by Covid Tyranny are being victimised by thugs whose only way of going without a paycheque is to refuse to enforce Covid Tyranny.

People must be getting angry. I wonder when they’re going to snap.

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