Victorian retailers FED UP with mandatory check-ins


They were just following orders.

Retails workers are being abused, spat on and assaulted. They are getting shoved down escalators, having hot cups of coffee thrown on them, being slammed with shopping trolleys and their stores are being vandalised.

Never saw it coming.

The resources required to police mandatory check-ins are putting a huge financial strain on businesses already reeling from two years of lockdowns.

Never saw it coming.

Now, after having three violent incidents in one day regarding QR code check-ins, the owners of the Dymocks bookstore where a so-called “Covid marshal” was knocked unconscious down an escalator doesn’t want to enforce the rules anymore.

Never saw it coming.

From Smart Company:

The owners of a Dymocks bookstore in Melbourne have called on the Victorian government to end the requirement for non-essential retailers to check customers’ vaccination status, one week after a staff member was injured when a customer allegedly pushed them down an escalator.

While Traderso says one option could be for the government to help businesses cover the cost of security personnel, he says removing the requirement for businesses to check vaccination certificates would immediately “take the pressure off” retailers.

“You have to question whether it is necessary to force non-essential retailers to do this checking,” he says, referencing New South Wales, where restrictions are due to ease further on December 15.

Instead, the business owner believes it would be better to put the onus back on individuals to check in properly when visiting retail stores. In his experience, the vast majority of people have already been doing so.

“At least they won’t be angry with us,” he says.

The entire sector is up in arms, with the Australian Retailers Association calling on the Victorian government to scrap mandatory check-ins on December 15:

Of primary concern is the elevated customer aggression levels within Victorian retail stores. Our members have reported thousands of incidences of customer aggression including many acts of significant violence towards retail staff — such as staff being beaten up, an instance of a boiling cup of coffee being thrown over a frontline worker and a shopping trolley being thrown at another. The reports of customer aggression are coming from a broad range of retailers — from department stores to hardware stores, along with small businesses and even charity shops, many of which have had to put security guards at their doors….

We also repeat our strong recommendation that vaccination checking is brought into line with the restrictions in place within NSW, which lift on December 15. As borders ease domestically and internationally, it makes no sense to have Australia’s two biggest states at odds around these matters causing unnecessary cost and confusion to business and customers.

The Dear Leader doesn’t seem that keen on listening to his subjects, though:

None of this particularly bothers me. People should be outraged. Customers should be livid at being forced to check-in with QR codes and reveal their personal details. Workers should be blowing their top at being forced to police these mandatory check-ins. Business owners should be angry that if they don’t enforce the mandates they could be fined hundreds of thousands of dollars.

This is the completely natural and predictable consequence of Daniel Andrews’ government forcing ordinary people to enforce its own totalitarianism. It is pitting ordinary people against each other.

Remember however what the gentle puppet, Brett Sutton had to say on the matter:

If they can’t enforce the mandates, they will have to scrap them. If they can’t make ordinary people enforce their own tyranny, they don’t have the resources to enforce it themselves.

Most importantly, regarding all that rage we are seeing in the community, their greatest fear is that it could be directed, all in one go, at them.

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