WELL INTO 2022: Daniel Andrews places Unvaccinated Victorians UNDER SIEGE


Daniel Andrews has indicated his intention to lay siege to Victorians who do not want to be vaccinated, vowing that discrimination against them will continue “well into 2022”. As an example, he indicated that there would be no unvaccinated people at next year’s Melbourne Grand Prix:

“Why would you get the system going, why would you get the thing up and running, and then essentially pull all that down, pull all the architecture that you’ve built, the infrastructure that you’ve built, the culture that you’ve changed – why would you change that four or five weeks later? We will not be doing that here.

“I’m not going to say to someone, “oh just wait us out will ya, just wait four or five weeks and then you’ll be able to go to the pub.” No, if you make the judgement to not get vaccinated and you reckon you can wait out us or the publican or whoever you wanna think you’re waiting out, you won’t wait out the virus, cos the virus will be here for a long time, and your only protection against it is being vaccinated.

“This will be well into 2022.

“Well and truly into 2022. Then we’re going to get into booster issues so it won’t be your first and second dose, it’ll be have you had your third, and then the other issue will be, well, who knows what variant’s coming? Who knows? Look, we don’t.”

These statements indicate a clear coordination of talking points among state officials on three key points:

  • Pushing forward the pandemic timeframe and thus the state of emergency at least another six months.
  • Normalising the idea that Covid “booster” shots will become part and parcel of modern life.
  • Reinforcing the convenient spectre of so-called “new variants” which will always hangs over our heads.

We predict these will drop just in time for the next round of social engineering. This ties into the most crucial aspect of Andrews’ speech:

“Why would you get the system going, why would you get the thing up and running, and then essentially pull all that down, pull all the architecture that you’ve built, the infrastructure that you’ve built, the culture that you’ve changed.

Being precious about system architecture is one thing, but what they really value is the change in culture, the behaviour modification they have been able to achieve. CHO Brett Sutton has several times stated that they are effectively running behavioural tests on the entire population of Victoria and adjusting their so-called “settings” to achieve whatever result they want.

Andrews’ reference to people trying to “wait out” the segregation period was no accident. His government would have received feedback that this is what people are saying to each other and to their bosses, this is what a lot of people are banking on. The government intends to modify this kind of thinking and behaviour.

Thus the goal of all this lecturing and scolding is to use behaviour modification, otherwise known as coercion, to reduce the number of unvaccinated people to as manageable a number of possible before they eventually unleash brute force.

Dictator Dan has indicated his willingness to go door to door to force people to get vaccinated. They are simply calculating the point at which this will become feasible.

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