Vic FreedomMovement Rally in Melbourne 12pm Today


An organisation called the Vic Freedom Movement are organising a Freedom Rally somewhere in Melbourne today. They are not associated with the Melbourne Freedom Movement but they are endorsed by them.

The location will be announced on their Telegram page today at 11:30 am, with the protest planned for 12 pm. You can also find the Vic Freedom Movement at Facebook.

The Vic Freedom Movement makes clear their opposition to the police state Victoria has become and their advocacy for a sensible, proportionate approach to Covid. We can glean some interesting information from the way they have billed the event.

They are working in cells, which is a natural response to police infiltration of the Freedom Movement, particularly on Telegram. If people work in groups of three with only people they know in real life that provides a buffer against infiltrators. It also appears they plan to coordinate activity more closely via regular updates.

Thus freedom fighters are learning from previous experience and applying the lessons. As noted previously, Melbourne is in a state of low level urban warfare and tactics from both sides are developing accordingly.

It is also worth considering that the Victorian Regime’s rules essentially ban people from meeting other people they know, even in public. Obviously this is draconian, but the intention of the “directions” is to prevent this kind of cell activity from occurring.

Yesterday another protest by nurses, this time accompanied by teachers, was carried out in Maribyrnong and another protest was held in Altona in Melbourne’s west.

The determination of Freedom groups to honour their promise of protesting in Melbourne every day is admirable, even if it is just to poke the Global Covid Regime in the eye.

XYZ News will update as events unfold.

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