ANTI-VAX THREAT: WA Premier’s House Under Police Guard


So this apparently happened:

Or maybe it didn’t happen and the powers that be want you to believe it happened. Or maybe it did happen but it was a false flag event, deliberately done so as to paint “anti vaxxers” as extreme violent extremist extremists.

Who knows? Who cares? It’s all so…..


Or is boring a better description?

We’ve seen it all before. People are still arguing about what really happened on 9/11 over 20 years ago. Bottom line is that then, as now, all that matters is what the powers that be want to do with any event that they report on.

Regardless of the truth of the original reported act, sooner or later multiple people will be inspired by the event and decide they wish to do the same. Regardless of whether or not Muslims committed 9/11, many Muslims were motivated enough by it, to carry out their own acts of terrorism. The Globalists and Zionists got what they wanted and ordinary citizens of the West were going to get screwed over, either way.

It will be the same with “anti vaxxers”. I’ve been warning everyone since the lockdowns were first put in place, that the compliance of the majority could only ever end with violence from a minority. This is why, when the tyranny was just masks and short lockdowns with assurances that it was just “to flatten the curve”, that myself and others were so desperate to wake up the normies and get them to peacefully protest and ignore the mandates with us. We knew where this was going and we wanted just as desperately to avoid it.

It’s not because we don’t think people aren’t morally and legally justified to react violently to outright tyranny, it’s simply that in nearly all cases it’s doomed to fail or only succeed through an all out civil war that will leave the victor with only destruction to rule over once it’s been played out.

But what anyone wants is neither here nor there. Australia’s politicians and bureaucrats have taken the tyranny pill and they don’t have an antidote for it. They are killing people with forced medications and removing the ability for people to feed, clothe and shelter themselves if they refuse to play the medical roulette game. With a workforce of around 13 million people, even if only 1% of them are determined not to give up the freedom of bodily autonomy at any cost, that’s still 130,000 potentially pissed off people. It only takes one of them to flip out and escalate the tyranny further.

The politicians, bureaucrats, media and police have already passed the point of no return. They have already committed acts that cannot be pardoned. They know that prison awaits them if they failed to follow through. They can no longer be simply voted out of power. They must be held to account. And why give up power when, real power, totalitarian power, just feels so damn good?! It’s a seductive drug and the more a person gets away with, the greater the urge to indulge the sadism.

So, as we have seen in communist regimes throughout the 20th century, at some point there will be arrests in the night for no other reason than that a person’s name was arbitrarily put on a list. Quarantine camps will become concentration camps. Torture and murder will become commonplace. It will start with the unvaxxed, then will extend to people who are friends with the unvaxxed, before descending into the standard, killing anyone under any excuse, that we are now only too familiar with.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn in the Gulag Archipelago wondered if things would have turned out differently for Soviet Russia, if when the mass arrests started happening, people had realised then, that there was nothing left to lose and gone down fighting.

Hopefully we will get the chance to find out in Australia, if such actions make a difference. For me personally, that is the point where I think it will be the best time to respond with physical force. But I am past the point where I can condemn anyone who responds violently from here on out.

They are more than morally justified. I simply lament what their desperation will lead to. I would like to squeeze out every last scrap of personal liberty I can before the State escalates things further. I can endure financial hardship and loss of my current job. I can hold out against the current government pressure for a very long time. I would urge everyone to do the same as me if I could.

But I know some people won’t be able to. Some will crack. Some will lash out and force history to repeat itself sooner rather than later. God help us all then. Both oppressors and oppressed. It’s sad. It’s tragic. It’s probably inevitable. Like the fall of Jerusalem in the Old Testament. God will save the souls of those that put their faith in Christ. But judgement is coming.

You can find Stephen Wells at Telegram and purchase his books here.