Victoria Police Defile Shrine Of Remembrance


Today, Freedom protesters in Melbourne took refuge at the Shrine of Remembrance. They were followed at every step and surrounded by Victoria Police.

James Fox Higgins provided an excellent summary of proceedings on Telegram, as protesters stood their ground and implored their fellow Victorians in uniform to join them.

Very few things are held as sacred any more in Melbourne, aside perhaps from the MCG. The Shrine however still holds a special place of significance in Melbourne. Massive crowds would turn up every year for the Anzac Day ceremony, before the coronavirus conveniently put an end to practically the last mass public act of loyalty to our ancestors and to God left in this city.

The protesters understood the significance. They chanted “sacred ground”, signalling to the police that to dislodge them would be a gross act of defilement that would not wash with the Australian people.

In olden days, a crowd or even an individual who took refuge on the sacred ground of a church was understood to have divine protection. Only a particularly godless tyrant or army would dare to dislodge them.

The Regime understood this too, hence it no doubt put a lot of pressure very quickly on the RSL, who cucked immediately to condemn the protesters.

The PR conveniently covered, police relentlessly tightened the ring of officers around the protesters. They offered them the option of leaving in small groups if they wanted to keep their freedom intact. Unconfirmed reports suggest they were conveniently accosted away from the cameras.

Police then picked off protesters one by one.

Finally the decision was made. They moved in and fired on protesters.

On the Shrine of Remembrance.

Then they occupied the Shrine of Remembrance,

Here is the full footage from which some of these snippets have been taken. It really does look like a war zone.

Incredibly, a no fly zone has been declared over Melbourne’s CBD to keep Lying Press helicopters from revealing just how big the protests actually are.

This is the darkest day in Melbourne’s history. Our Shrine has bee defiled. Melbourne has fallen. We are living in occupied territory.

Yes. This is f—-en Australia.