Gay Jew writes LIES for the ABC about Thomas Sewell


Thomas Sewell was arrested by the Victorian Stasi early this morning. The XYZ scooped the Lying Press and was able to place the political arrest in its proper context.

The Australian Regime is trying to change the law to make legal, peaceful nationalist activism against the replacement of our people illegal. The government, its thug law enforcement and Lying Press are engaged in a three pronged attack to try to achieve this.

  1. The government holds public enquiries hearing evidence by fake experts who say nationalists are really terrorists.
  2. Thug law enforcement trumps up charges and constantly harasses nationalists to try to provoke a reaction or a pretext to crack down further.
  3. The Lying Press constantly regurgitates hit pieces about nationalists to create a fake sense of crisis.

Government funded blog the ABC has swung into acton, printing lies about Thomas Sewell and hiding his face.

LOL. We all know what he looks like. Here he is holding sparklers.

It’s been reported that the has been charged with armed robbery. Seriously, we so can’t even. The Lying Press lie, as do the thug law enforcement. Anyway, let’s have a closer look at who was chosen to write this guff:

An investigative reporter. Our own investigative reporters found a little information of our own.

Every. Single. Time.


This is who we are up against. These are the people who hate us, want us dead, and think it’s funny. Literal reprobate jews.

On the upside, they basically write our propaganda for us.

It’s your XYZ.