Yesterday in Atlanta, Georgia, a White guy shot 8 people dead at a
massage parlour brothel and several other porn-related locations. Naturally, because he was White and his victims were mostly Asian, the Liberal establishment are hyperventilating that it was a White Supremacist attack.
Naturally, the Liberal establishment has ignored the alleged gunman’s claim that it had nothing to do with race and everything to do with a porn and sex addiction. Naturally, the Liberal establishment has ignored the fact that the high proportion of Asians killed in an attack on a brothel reflects the fact that a high proportion of Asians work in brothels, in the same way that the National Socialists in Germany in the 1930’s arrested a high proportion of jews when they arrested communists because a high proportion of jews were communists.
If the alleged gunman was a White Supremacist who had no idea how to break a porn addiction, he would have targeted jews, given a high proportion of jews are responsible for weaponising porn in the modern age. However, if the alleged gunman was a White Supremacist he would not have made such an attack, given that White Supremacists reject terrorism and focus on community building and challenging the Liberal establishment’s political power structures.
Finally, this is yet another example of the Liberal establishment attempting to invent a pattern which does not exist – namely the non-existence of White Supremacist terrorism – while ignoring very real patterns, like the high disproportion of black crime, or the tendency of homosexuals and transexuals to be pedophiles.
Or the collusion of British police in the grooming and mass rape of hundreds of thousands of teenage White girls in Britain by foreign invaders.
Now that we have established that the alleged gunman was not a White Supremacist we can address the claimed cause of the alleged attack; his porn and sex addiction. Normie methods such as limiting time spent on the internet or with electronic devices, talking to someone or getting a girlfriend or a wife are good coping methods. The long term solution is to transform your body, mind and spirit. Here are the three crucial ways you can achieve this.
Go to the gym. Train your body. Lift heavier and heavier weights. Learn to fight. Train with a solid bunch of men you respect, ie a Mannerbund.
Training builds physical discipline. The payoff here is obvious. You will also notice the detrimental effect porn use has on your training, providing further incentive and resilience to refrain.
It rewires your brain, replacing the old reward circuit for a new, more natural one. Porn affects the brain as powerfully as heroin, thus training your brain to receive dopamine and endorphins more naturally is of immense benefit.
Thus it also transforms you spiritually. You become a different person in outward appearance, which reflects an inner transformation, an ascent of the mind and spirit.
More on this shortly.
Redpill yourself on the JQ
As stated, jews are primarily responsible for weaponising porn in the modern world. They did not invent it obviously, as they are not capable of invention, only subversion.
Porn is a drug. The Liberal establishment uses porn to drug hundreds of millions of White men. It is how they placate and subdue millions of White men who will never marry or reproduce in a system where men and women are encouraged to waste our best years in fruitless hedonism while working busy-work jobs, and the children we don’t produce are substituted with with children of foreign invaders via mass immigration.
Porn fogs the mind and prevents you from seeing the world as it is. Once you gain control over it you start to see the patterns. In this respect, when the blue-checkmark set worked themselves up into hysteria a couple of years ago when a bunch of guys on the internet decided to go a month without porn, claiming it would turn them into far-right stormtroopers, they were 100% right on the money.
Stopping porn use will give you the clarity of mind and strength of will to confront the defining lies of our age.
Devon Stack of Blackpilled has produced an excellent video demonstrating how the narrative of the holocaust was used to subvert the restriction on nudity in Hollywood films and undermine the cultural power of the Catholic Church in America.
An insidious nexus between porn and the holocaust – lust and shame – has been used to control you. Shame is a natural reaction after engaging in porn use. This shame is amplified by the racial guilt heaped upon White men via the holocaust narrative. Porn has literally been used to push the holocaust narrative, and porn is weaponised by jews to keep White men trapped in this cycle of lust and shame.
From here, watch The Greatest Story Never Told and Europa: The Last Battle to understand the great lie.
You will feel great rage as you get redpilled on the JQ, but your transformation through training, your ability to see reality for what it is and the deep friendship of your Mannerbund will channel this rage into productive outlets.
The Spiritual War
Porn use makes the body lethargic and dulls the mind. It turns you into compliant cattle. It is the golden veneer on the golden cage. Once free, you can achieve the extraordinary. Our entire Aryan civilisation is based on the delaying of personal gratification and channeling the resultant energy into the beautiful and true, and the truly great.
Feminist or Freudian critiques of skyscrapers (a penis) or the moon landing (a sperm penetrating an egg) are spot on, except for their negative characterisations. Feminists and Freudian “critiques” (again heavily influenced by jewish “thought”) are merely projections of jealousy. Instead of skyscrapers, they create concave spaces, a literal vagina. Instead of space exploration, they want us to cower in cold, dark caves, literal vaginas.
This represents an attempt to replace masculine energy with feminine energy, light with dark, ascent with descent, God with Satan.
Robert Sepehr makes the case that the enemy does not simply use bodily desire to control us as slaves via our slavery to our own lusts, but that this represents the origin of Man’s fall and our expulsion from the Garden of Eden.
Asha Logos demonstrates how our Aryan forebears have struggled for millennia against the eternal enemy, who exploits Man’s addiction to bodily pleasure to degenerate human civilisation.
Thus on a meta level confronting porn addiction gives us the energy to defeat our spiritual enemies. On a personal level, understanding the spiritual battle provides the final piece of the puzzle in gaining freedom. You are battling forces on a higher plane, and your very existence as a human is defined by your imperfection, thus when (not if) you fail it is merely a reflection of your humanity.
The tl;dr
Don’t shoot up a brothel.
Watch The Greatest Story Never Told.
Pray to Jesus.