The battle lines


This article was originally published at on 7/10/2018, where Adam Piggott publishes regularly and brilliantly. You can purchase Adam’s books here.

Sunday is not normally a day for politics on the old blog, but with the confirmation of Supreme Court Judge Kavanaugh breaking this morning, what other choice do I have? Certainly it caps a glorious run of winning for President Trump, and make no mistake about it, this nomination and confirmation was his victory. The wonderful thing for Republicans is that finally many of them have woken up and understood that if they hitch their wagons to his train then much glory will be heaped upon them.

The turning point in the Kavanaugh hearings was when Trump publicly commented on the ludicrous nature of the Democrat’s main witness and accuser, an act which he performed against the wishes and advice of almost everyone around him.

Addressing thousands at a boisterous rally in Mississippi, Trump relied on his own visceral sense of the moment and mocked Christine Blasey Ford for gaps in her memory, directly impugning the accuser’s credibility.

“Establishment Republicans initially reacted with horror. But Trump’s 36-second off-script jeremiad proved a key turning point toward victory for the polarizing nominee, White House officials and Kavanaugh allies said, turbocharging momentum behind Kavanaugh just as his fate appeared most in doubt. . . .

“How did you get home? ‘I don’t remember,’ ” Trump said, reenacting Ford’s hearing. “How did you get there? ‘I don’t remember.’ Where is the place? ‘I don’t remember.’ How many years ago was it? ‘I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know.’ ”

The riff lasted less than a minute, but had lasting ramifications.

Trump’s presidency hasn’t even hit two years yet, but the lasting ramifications are impressive to say the least. As a few awake individuals on our side have been saying for a while, expect a red wave in the mid-terms. The Democrats just sunk their own boat while they were sitting inside and they did it all at the direct goading of Trump.

Trump’s election did not settle anything, it merely began the great unraveling where the initial battle lines were drawn and the sides loosely mapped out. At the time most of the key players on both sides of the House were arrayed against Trump. But post-Kavanaugh the lines have dramatically shifted in Trump’s favor. He has played the political game better than anyone in living memory. The so-called professional politicians, lobbyists, and lawmakers have been revealed as the amateur bit-part players that they really are. The Democrats have literally reverted to the party of the crazy cat ladies. They have nowhere to go but down.

Expect things to heat up from here. It may get messy, just sayin’.

Another wonderful outcome of recent events is the complete unmasking of Jordan Peterson for the leftist prog that a certain few of us suspected and then claimed that he is.

A few of the Peterson fan boys are attempting to water this down with the same excuses that they used when he publicly attacked and libeled me – he didn’t mean it, he was being sarcastic, he was joking, he forgot to take his medication …

Whatever. If you still believe that he is on our side then you deserve everything that you get. As far as I’m concerned you have all been sufficiently warned by people like myself and Vox Day, and Peterson’s own actions have demonstrated the truth of our claims and accusations. If you still don’t believe it then I can’t be bothered with you. Some people are simply beyond useless and not worth the effort in convincing.

As I said, the battle lines have now been clearly drawn. It is time to choose your side and to carefully note where the players are actually standing. Our most dangerous enemies are not the obvious ones. They are the ones who claim to stand with us while they carefully plant seeds of doubt and lies.