Women are beginning to acknowledge that they cannot have it all


A truly extraordinary article in today’s Weekend Australian – Working mothers, families and the secrets we keep. It’s pay-walled so I will link a few relevant parts. Here is the sub-heading going into the piece. Keep in mind that the article is written by a woman, as it has to be in our current matriarchal age in order to be published in a major newspaper.

A whole generation of women is being led to believe that parenting and having a career is doable when it patently is not.

Bloody hell, I thought to myself when I read that late last night before going to bed. The article had only just been uploaded and there were no comments. This morning there are over 200 comments.

“Which means that it mostly doesn’t work well. Not only does it not work, it’s getting worse. Twenty years ago, the average working day was about seven hours and many mothers didn’t have a job outside the home. In the years since, the working day has grown by an average of about two hours and a million more mums have jobs. This is partly because house prices have soared in that time.”

I had to go a fair way into the article to get this first quote as it isn’t that well written, although the fact that it has been written at all is astonishing, (it was first published in The Times.). I fully expect concerted feminist and SJW pressure on the writer in the future to retract what she has written and shamefully apologise.

The article details many examples and episodes from the writer’s and many other working mothers’ lives of just why the myth of ‘having it all’ is not working for them. It’s quite a long read and proceeding to the end I was getting curious as to how the writer was going to conclude her piece. What would be her recommendations for other women? What has she learnt after being lied to so badly by feminists? Is she angry at them?

“… we need to be more honest so we can take more control of our own working experiences. We need to be able to talk more about what does work and how to make it work within our own families. For some, the price of “always on” will be worth it, because they are driven and ambitious and have the systems in place to make it work. For others, stepping back a bit at key points will make all the difference to them and their families.”

This was about as tame as could be expected, and I have no doubt that editorial decisions severely affected what was written here. But as always in such a politically correct climate one has to go to the comments to discover in which direction sentiment is turning.

Kate: “I remember asking my stay at home since the day she was married Mum how me doing the same job she did (but not as well) and working at the same time, was progress. I do not look on those years when I worked outside the home when my children were at school as my best years. I was exhausted most of the time. And I had a supportive husband. I’m so glad someone has had the courage to come out and say it’s all a myth.”


Erica: “I found happiness with work and children when I stopped being a feminist. I used to be annoyed a lot of the time with the unfairness of it all, and would attack my hard-working husband for not doing housework. I dropped to part-time and took up most of the housework, getting my children to do a fair share. Now I love being in the kitchen, embracing housework and loving my husband. We are a team and we know our roles.”


Monica: “Both my children had chronic anxiety issues that we could not resolve via Doctors , psychologists , naturopath treatment. Both miraculously recovered the week I quit my job to be a stay at home mum. Go figure.”


Keep in mind that I write for men, but as men it is extremely important that we understand the realities that women are facing and what conclusions they are beginning to draw. On top of this is the current war on men as well as the unsustainable invasions of our respective nations by hordes of immigrant invaders which add much pressure to the whole mix. All of these things are interrelated.

As always in life you need to make hard choices. Not only can women not have it all but men cannot have it all either. It’s all about give and take. Which is why I so fully support the criticism of Millennials enjoying $50 smashed avocado breakfasts while simultaneously complaining of their inability to purchase a home. A man today has a duty to position himself realistically in the world, and he does that by observing and evaluating that which is going on around him.

The very best way to do this is by observing both your peers and men who are around 10 years older than yourself. Keep an eye not on the outward image that they project for the outside world, but on the reality of their circumstances.

I’ll provide an example by another comment left on the article, but this time by a man:


“When our children were born my wife decided to give up work. She went back to work when they went to high school. We had a crap car. We struggled to put food on the table some days. We don’t live in the nice area my colleagues live in, and instead are in an outer suburbun area. We didn’t have the latest gadgets. We bought second hand furniture.  Neither of us regrets it. At the same time we didn’t receive a cent in government assistance unlike the thousands pushed out on childcare allowances

“There is a choice. But people aren’t willing to make the sacrifices.”

How many of your peers are doing or have done this? And central to this is that Jim obviously had to select a woman who would be happy with this situation. Of course, one wonders what would have been their circumstances if the wife had not decided to stay at home and instead had elected to continue working. Would Jim have been strong enough and secure enough in his position as head of the household to command her to give up her job, or was this all down to good fortune on his part?

Perhaps Jim was lucky or perhaps he was savvy enough to select a mate who he knew would make the right choices. The truth of the matter is not important; what is important is that we observe, draw conclusions and act on those conclusions ourselves. And the best way to make sure that your potential mate is on the same page as you is to confidently and authoritatively set out your expectations as you are going into the relationship.

This is the crux of the current reality that underscores the hazards that await men and women who are struggling to achieve what should be the basic act of forming and building a family unit. But because the family unit has been under progressive siege for so long, achieving this goal is a great challenge.

As a man you need to prioritize the key elements of your life. Unfortunately you cannot really afford to bumble your way through and make it up as you go along. That path is too risky now. You need to strategize and carefully plan out a path with clear goals in mind. Key to all of this is whom you select to share your life journey.

If you are careful and work hard, you will become the prize that women seek. Make sure that you don’t select the girl that gives the best head. The quoted article demonstrates that women are beginning to wake up and understand that they have been sold a lie. The sooner that you wake up to what you need to do then the better positioned you will be to get the pick of the bunch.

This article was originally published at https://pushingrubberdownhill.com/, where Adam Piggott publishes regularly and brilliantly. You can purchase Adam’s books here.