Quote of the Day: Theresa May is a Whore


Remember when Theresa May was picked to replace David Cameron as British Prime Minister as the globalists’ punishment on him for allowing the British to vote for their independence? Some conservatives said “Hey, a female Tory British PM! Maybe she’ll be another Margaret Thatcher?”

What Britons got was a female Tory kaffir version of Sadiq Khan.

Quartz reports on Theresa May’s response to a question about the South African government’s theft of white South African land:

The UK has, for some time now, supported land reform that is legal, transparent and follows a democratic process,” May said. “I welcome the comments he has already made about approaching land reform, bearing in mind the economic and social consequences…and that land reform will be no smash and grab.”





As Stefan Molyneux points out, making something democratic or legal does not make it right. We have killed over a billion unborn babies babies since abortion was legalised. All perfectly legal.

Remember this guy?

In South Africa, White South African farmers are being murdered because they are white. Their land is being stolen by the government because they are white. The whore leader of the country which used to boast of the greatest empire on earth is not content with betraying her own countrymen’s desire for freedom; now she is betraying her white South African brothers, and promising investment dollars to South Africa’s criminal government.

Not that the money will do it any good.

XYZ Quote of the Day.

Photo by Tiocfaidh ár lá 1916