Not every woman is a feminist, but all women can prevent it – including you


Some foolish female comedian got raped and murdered in Melbourne recently after walking home alone through a dark and vast park in the inner city area. To understand just how foolish this was, if my own wife had voiced a desire to traverse said park in broad daylight then I would have told her to stop being a silly cow.

There has been the predictable lefty meltdown over the incident with calls for all men to be branded as evil pieces of scum-sucking detritus as presumably we are all responsible for the random act of some white guy who jumps a woman under a dark tree. As it turns out the guy who committed this callous act is claiming to be autistic. That usually gets you a free pass if you’re a member of the religion of peace – ram your van into a few dozen pedestrians? Just claim you’re suffering from a “mental illness” and she’ll be right, mate.

But if you’re a white guy don’t expect to be shown the same leeway. It’s one rule for the rest of the world and one rule for the straight white guys.

With that in mind I found this piece over on “Their ABC” to be especially entertaining.

Not all men are violent but all men can prevent violence.

“Some people — mostly men — have protested that not all men are dangerous, suggesting that men are being stereotyped because of a few violent men.

“This response is abbreviated as “not all men”. This perspective is mistaken …

“… My response is simply #YesAllMen. Men must accept that violence against women is a men’s issue.”

How fascinating. This seems to fly in direct contradiction to certain situations when some members of the religion of peace carry out random acts of terror and murder. In those times we are constantly reminded of the very real plight that other innocent members of the same religion are now having when they have to face the ordeal of public transport while wrapped head to foot in some kind of woman-shaming device.

One rule for them and one rule for us it seems.

The little blurb on the ABC’s twitter account went like this:

Well, as far as I’m concerned we can all play at that game. Why don’t I start things off?

Not every Muslim wants to cut off infidels’ heads, but all Muslims can prevent it – including you.

Not every woman has late term abortions, but all women can prevent them – including you.

Not every Somalian immigrant commits violent home invasions, but all Somalian immigrants can prevent it – including you.

Not every scientist publishes fake peer-reviewed reports, but all scientists can prevent it – including you.

Not every politician misuses public funds, but all politicians can prevent it – including you.

Not every woman lies about her contraception to get pregnant, but all women can prevent it – including you.

Not every meteorologist falsifies data, but all meteorologists can prevent it – including you.

Not every aboriginal man rapes 2 year old children, but all aboriginal men can prevent it – including you.

Not every homosexual abuses underage boys, but all homos can prevent it – including you.

Not every woman attempts to sleep her way to the top, but all women can prevent it – including you.

Not every woman is a feminist, but all women can prevent it – including you.

Not every man holds open a door for a woman, but all men can prevent it – including you.

Not every child grows up to be a socialist, but all children can prevent it – including you.

Feel free to come up with your own examples in the comments. Thanks to the glorious folks at The Cat for the inspiration for this post.

This article was originally published at, where Adam Piggott publishes regularly and brilliantly. You can purchase Adam’s books here.

Photo by Travellers Travel Photobook