Is Peter Dutton red-pilled or what?


The history of South Africa is complicated and marred with the legacy of racism and inequality. This is a sad reality, uncomfortable to many, but one which needs to be acknowledged before any reasonable discussion of the country’s political situation can be held without resorting to childish name-calling and emotional language.

I’m no defender of the Apartheid government of the National Party, but neither am I a fan of the airbrushing of history and South African government in the post-Apartheid era, that has squandered the amazing opportunity given them in 1994 to work with all people of South Africa towards a true African democracy, one that was to look forward with equanimity when it came to dealing with the racial skeletons in its past.

Instead, what the South African government has done, particularly during the last few years under now-ousted president Jacob Zuma, is foster an increasingly hostile climate of racially-charged rhetoric, wherein the perils and evils of colonialism were touted, and the black majority constantly reminded that whatever ills still befall them in 2018, are due to the legacy of the white man and certainly nothing to do with an inept ANC kleptocracy that’s run the show for almost a quarter century now.

This piece is not intended to be a diatribe about the ANC’s many failings; for this the reader need only read any number of reports about crime, power, water, infrastructure, corruption, nepotism, breakdown of law, etc which ultimately beset all South Africans daily, with poor black South Africans living on the poverty line often most affected.

No, I bring this up because it provides context to the way that the rest of us treat Africa; the inherent failings of its governments, the low expectations of and for its people. Both seemingly provide a justification for the sort of grotesque reverse-racism that is now so prevalent in the minds of the twittering classes.

This is very evident in the case of South Africa’s white farmers, from the rates of murder and violence they endure, to the way in which the South African government has ramped up its rhetoric concerning the expropriation of land without compensation in the past weeks.

I am massively impressed by the statements made this week by Peter Dutton, Australia’s Home Affairs Minister, that Australia should look into fast-tracking visas for white South African farmers; yet it’s the response to this that’s astounded me. Not only has the South African government come out immediately and declared that no South African farmer suffers unduly relative to the struggles of other sectors of the South African population, (isn’t that a sad indictment on a government when they’re talking down the murder rate of one sector of the population while talking up an even higher murder rate elsewhere by way of justification), but the comments sections of the online media provides a staggering insight into just how utterly devoid of reason and compassion the Leftist hate mob has become, and in the case of white Western liberals, just how brainwashed they are to the notion that white people can also be victims of crime, violence and abuse of power.

Examples can be found here, here and here.

[And here are some tweets:]

To all of the deluded, cuckolded simpletons on the Left that by some miracle read this:

Compassion for a racial minority that happens to be white, that is suffering through a period of extremely violent, politicised attacks, does not equate to a lack of compassion for ‘brown people’; your virulent anti-white racism, emanating as it does from your ridiculous social justice education that evil white colonials ruined the beatific Eden that was Africa prior to colonialization, has quite literally rendered you incapable of looking further than your prejudices, and turned you into complete sociopaths. You are the first to ring-fence any and all social, racial or cultural group and closet them into special little velvet-lined boxes ready for special treatment by the victim-police, unless that victim group happens to be white South African farmers, in which case you’re up in arms about treating them as a special case. I’m offended by your bigotry and disregard; have you looked at ANY of the cases of young children being raped, burned and mutilated while their parents were being forced to watch?

How is it racist for Australia, with a predominantly Anglo-European population, culture and heritage, to show empathy and support for a victimised minority group elsewhere that shares the same broad heritage and culture? On the contrary, why wouldn’t we? I remain baffled by the idea that the only acceptable truth is that Australia and the West must only import a loose selection of black and brown refugees from the third world, who don’t share any cultural or social heritage, because this has been deemed the only socially acceptable thing to do by those on the Left that dominate the discussion.

I’m sorry – notwithstanding the issue of compassion, offering visas to a hard-working group of resourceful and skilled farmers would add massive value to the Australian economy, not to mention the added bonus of supplementing Australia’s agricultural sector and overall food security. It’s not “unspeakable” to say that this is a pragmatic and sound decision to make, far more so than the typical Leftist pleas to emotion that comes with welcoming those that don’t speak the language, aren’t particularly skilled, and don’t appreciate our culture, all because they’re sad brown people and meet the Left’s acceptable definition of ‘victim’.

As with every polarising topic which the Left controls, the need to speak out about this and provide a reasonable rebuttal to their dogma becomes more apparent. Thankfully, not everyone commenting on this is a clueless liberal; I applaud Peter Dutton for the stance that he’s taking and urge him to see this through.