Grid Pigs


The pigs lined up, one, two, three

Warthogs in bikinis, it was horrid to see.

The first to strut was Cleminist Ford

Her tusks a glisten from her victims gored.


No member could stand at her salute,

Her visage resembling a kind of squashed froot!

She took her place next to a car,

Where the driver sat trembling, eyes fixed afar.


The next was Lena, hideous and far meaner,

Who’d turned to stone, anyone who’d seen her

The statue behind the wheel to his surprise,

Felt not a thing after a look in her eyes.


And along strutted Wong, in whom the ugly was strong

Striding to her car in a chinkini thong.


But not to be outdone by that lezzo dim sim

Soy-boi Bandt came as a rainbow clad shim,

Stopped by a car and struck a pose he thought sexy

And invited the driver to call him Flexie-Lexie.


With two wheels burning and two wheels turning

The drivers one and all took flight

But wherever they went is a little concerning

For they never again crossed the grid pigs’ sight.


Photo by KathrynW1