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Tag: Clementine Ford

What do Jordon Steele-John, Greta Thunberg, Adam Goodes, Mona Eltahawy and...

WARNING: This article contains a graphic image. None of theme are straight, white, able-bodied men. It really is as crass as that, but it is an...

Drinking Lefty Tears after 2019 Aussie Election!

The 2019 Australian Federal election is over and the Liberal National Coalition won. This goes against every single poll prediction and those who wanted...

Poll Result: Pretty much everybody hates Clementine Ford

The XYZ Viewer Poll from a couple of weekends ago has been an exercise in the bleeding obvious. Clementine Ford is awful and everybody...

Viewer Poll: Should Clementine Ford be allowed to be employed by...

Clementine Ford is hated by pretty much every bloke in Australia who doesn't actually hate himself. Seriously, a so-called "man" would have to hate...

XYZ Live #53 – Newscorp calls its competition “Fake News,” Clementine...

On last night's livestream the Giggling White Supremacist and the Raucous Racist surveyed the fallout after the Australian alt media completely owning the MSM...

Clementine Ford rescued by white male taxpayers

Last week we learned of the public meltdown of serial doughnut enveloper Clementine Ford as she quit her job in a hissy fit because...

Thought for the Day: Clementine Ford is now a scab

Your taxes (stolen money) are now paying for Clementine Ford to continue to be fat. Feom the Unshackled: "In addition to being able to crowdfund her...

The Wit and Wisdom of Clementine Ford

As the hate golem of Australian Media, Clementine Ford, centres attention back on herself by rage quitting her day job, the question has to...

Clementine Ford goes off the deep end

In news that surprised exactly nobody with a functioning brain, serial misandrist and attention seeking opinion columnist Clementine Ford resigned from her job at...

How to write toxically masculine love poetry

Who are you, o wicked enchantress of my soul? Is it you who makes the lightning flash and the thunder roll? Are you a goddess sent...