Quote of the Day: Grief for Europe


I am not a fan of slacktivism, empty guestures with candles or coloured lighting (seriously, why don’t they just keep the red, white and blue lights in place at public landmarks, to save time and money for when the next one happens) or trending hashtags. That’s not what this Quote of the Day is about.

What I hope is expressed through this song is simply grief. Grief for the lives lost today at the hands of Islamic terror. Grief for the lives that have been lost over the last few years, over the last 1400 years, and that are still to come. Grief over the mess which is surely coming, one way or another.

As with most songs, there is still some hope. Hope that there will be political leaders with courage, and enough good citizens prepared to fight politically and culturally for Europe and European heritage, so that Europe can avoid a slide into the abyss.